NYPD Endorses PDJT

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One of my more favorite police forces, the NYPD, has come out in support of PDJT for re-election.  Specifically the New York City Police Benevolent Association (NYCPBA) has done so.  NYCPBA is the largest police union representing NYPD officers.  24,000 of the department’s 36,000 police officers are members.

On Friday leaders and representatives of the NYCPBA visited President Trump’s Bedminster Golf Club in New Jersey to give their endorsement to President Donald Trump.  According to President Pat Lynch this is the first time the NYCPBA has ever endorsed a presidential candidate.

Lynch said,

 Mr. President we are fighting for our lives out there. We don’t want this to spread to the rest of the country. We need your strong voice to say across the country, “We have the support of law enforcement across this country… In the New York PBA you earn the endorsement. I’m proud to give it.

PDJT responded,

Today, it was my great honor to proudly accept the endorsement of the NYCPBA! I have deeply and profoundly admired the brave men and women of the NYPD for my entire life. New York’s Finest are truly the best of the best — I will NEVER let you down!

The responses on Twitter to this announcement were all over the map.  There are those that fear that the President is building a groundswell of support.  Others respond by saying it won’t help in NY.  Probably not.  However, it is an interesting pattern.  One by one, unions of various stripes are coming out to endorse the President.  This is highly unusual.  Unions are one the Democrats’ strongest voting bases.  PDJT seems to be eating into that base.