Hope and Opportunity

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Sean Parnell speaks at the RNC about diversity and about being bound together as Americans.  Sean related his experiences as a platoon leader in Afghanistan.  He spoke about their success as a unit despite their differences.  Their commonality was that they were Americans.

Parnell went on to discuss his disillusionment with the Left who just have contempt for middle America.  He called out the desire of Democrats to control all aspects of Americans lives.

Parnell went on to highlight some of PDJT’s accomplishments despite having to withstand unending attacks from the media.  He focused on economic triumphs in particular talking about the bringing back of manufacturing jobs that were “gone forever.”

Parnell broadcasts a message of hope and opportunity building on the fact of American exceptionalism.  He issues a call to all Americans to help keep this true.

“America needs all her patriots to rush to her defense.”
