Some COVID-19 Updates

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Now that Joe Biden is flailing around for a campaign item that might resonate with the voters, it is probably a good time to review where America is with the virus.  Biden has told the country that he will require a nation-wide mask mandate on his first day in office.

“Every single American should be wearing a mask WHEN THEY’RE OUTSIDE for the next 3 months AT A MINIMUM …” (emphasis added).

One brainwashed celebrity said, “Now that’s leadership.”  Most normal people say that’s insanity.

Biden has other top-down mandates just waiting for implementation.  The Democrats just love to control the population.

A breath of sanity emerged from a federal courthouse in western Pennsylvania on Monday.  U.S. District Judge William Stickman IV concluded the Pennsylvania governor’s stay at home orders, limits on gatherings and closure of “non life-sustaining” businesses violated citizens’ Constitutional rights.

While accepting and appreciating the challenges presented to government, the judge found the arbitrary and capricious definitions/applications of rules infringed on basic constitutional rights without any due process in place.

To quote Leon Brozyna,

If there are limitations on your rights, then what you have are not rights but privileges dispensed by the state and subject to being removed at the whim of every power-mad Democrat when it suits them.

There is no science to back the shutdowns.  Fortunately, people who understand science are beginning to make inroads into the fog of misinformation that has plagued America during this pandemic.

Dr. Victoria Fox, a physician and an academic had this to say recently.

I’m sorry — it’s time for public health officials to implement evidence-based pandemic mitigation solutions that are logistically feasible, sustainable and target the problem while allowing society to function. Give people viable solutions they can implement day to day to protect their loved ones during outbreaks.

You can’t tell the world to stay home and ‘socially distance’ — whatever that even means — and then act shocked, pissed and punish society because your vague, untested voodoo didn’t work. Because the truth is there is no good solution to this — only tradeoffs. Public health doesn’t want to be responsible for the adverse outcomes of the tradeoffs so they have developed a strategy that [claims] the pandemic [is] preventable and places blame on society for not complying.

This hits the nail on the head.  The virus will do what it is going to do.  The widespread shutdowns have left a massive wreckage in their wake.  Suicides have increased dramatically.  Other health issues remain undiscovered and untreated due to the lockdowns.  The Democratic governors of certain states refuse to acknowledge this.  Instead they lecture us for not complying when the virus simply does not disappear.

Remember these are the same people who brought us infanticide, Antifa and BLM rioters, cancel culture, deadly west coast wildfires, burned out and looted downtowns all over the country and big tech censorship of our news.

It is long past time for Americans to stand up and reclaim their rights as Americans.  If we don’t, and God forbid, Joe Biden wins in November, America is lost.  The greatest experiment in self-governance will have ended with the oligarchs in power.

Do not cave into to them.

You are not alone.

You can make a profound difference.