The Black Death, Not Hardly

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The following is an insightful article by someone well south of our borders.  He calls out the obvious hypocrisy of those trying to keep the economy shut down while exposing the real motives underneath.  He destroys the virus’ lethal reputation just as PDJT did when he returned to the White House after just three days in the hospital.

Black Death

When POTUS got the coronavirus, the country held its breath. Here was the proof so many had hoped for.

The threat was real! All of the hardships and sacrifices of the last seven months were worth it after all. The Donald… after scoffing at the coronavirus… was now getting the divine retribution he had coming.

Nearly half the population got down on its knees and beseeched the Almighty. “Please take him away,” they prayed.

Trouble was, the threat was not what they had cracked it up to be.

The coronavirus was advertised as an existential threat… a scourge of humanity… a Black Death. Nicholas Kristof, writing in The New York Times back in March, passed along the grim, but dizzy, forecast:

Dr. Neil M. Ferguson, a British epidemiologist who is regarded as one of the best disease modelers in the world, produced a sophisticated model with a worst case of 2.2 million deaths in the United States.

Sophisticated? Maybe.

But so far, the worst case is way off the mark. And the way the statistics are compiled – counting everyone who dies “with COVID” as a “COVID death” – probably greatly overstates the actual results.

Lethal Reputation

For most people, the virus is not much of a threat at all. An elderly person might want to check his will. But Trump is right; a healthy person under 60 probably shouldn’t worry about it.

And when the fat, 74-year-old President Trump walked out of the hospital after only three days, the cat was out of the bag.

Mr. Trump joined a growing list of world leaders – almost all of them old – who had contracted the virus and survived, including the presidents of Brazil, the UK, Bolivia, Honduras, Guatemala, and Belarus.

Despite its lethal reputation, the virus couldn’t kill any of them.

So why make such a fuss about it? Why not just treat it like any other health problem – cancer, heart disease, pneumonia, allergies, murder, or accidents? Why make a federal case out of it?

Or to put it in Donald Trump’s words, why let it dominate your life?

No Hard Proof

The goal of politics is to scare people… China, Russia, disease, poverty, racism, alcohol, terrorists, noisemakers, markets, the reds, the reefers – whatever the threat, the feds offer protection. Ban, prohibit… tax, fine… go to war!

Party politics is essentially a contest in which the Democrats and Republicans each claim to be able to protect you better.

Of course, in exchange, you give up your money, your privacy, your dignity, and your liberty.

The most popular bugaboo du jour is COVID-19. It’s a killer (joining a long list of homicidal ailments; ultimately, nobody beats them all).

And there’s no hard proof that the feds can do anything about it.

Lockdown, lockup, face masks, social distancing – a vulnerable person may or may not be able to take precautions and protect himself. But there’s no reason to think that forcing a healthy person – or a whole society – into house arrest has any benefits at all.

Power Grab

Still, the COVID Crisis offers the protection racket a powerful new weapon. The feds can confine you without trial, outlaw popular assembly, close schools, and restrict travel.

They’ve already used it to make a breathtaking power grab. In March, they closed down much of the U.S. economy… and then “printed” some $4 trillion fake dollars to protect people from the economic damage.

And we’re getting used to it…

Here in Argentina, for example, we have been locked down for seven months. A permanent roadblock has been set up near here. Each time we go to town, we are expected to tell the police where we are going and why… as well as have a travel permit ready for inspection.

It almost seems “normal.”

I agree with my friend.  Unfortunately too many have succumbed to the idea that things can no longer be what they once were.  That is simply not true.  Of course, for the political elites they just ignore the rules they impose on everyone else.  That needs to change also.

The solution to our problems is in front of us.  The people must rise up and reject the totalitarianism that the Democrats are trying desperately to impose on the country.  They can do so on November 3rd.