Political campaigns are a source of all kinds of exaggerated claims about what one is going to do or has already done. Politicians put forward plans that they say will do this or cure that. Hyperbole with regard to this kind of activity is expected. The rational observer of these activities brings a healthy dose of skepticism to these claims.
However, the last decade or two has seen the Democratic Party completely abandon any attempt at telling the truth even in a small way.
The most obvious example of this was the selling of Obamacare to the American public. Rationed care for people older than a certain age was buried deep within the 2000 pages that the law covered. President Obama said dozens of times “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” That was a lie. Documents filed in the Federal Register predicted that 40 to 80 million people would lose their health care plans.
Obama also said, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” Another lie. Perhaps the biggest falsehood was saying, “The only change you’ll see are falling costs as our reforms take hold.” The facts were that immediately costs for insurance jumped. Some saw increases of 50% the first year. And the increases did not stop there. Double digit increases in health care insurance premiums became the norm. At the same time out of pocket costs soared while choices were limited.
So what canard are the Democrats trying to foist on the American public now during Crooked Joe Biden’s campaign for President? While literally every Democratic campaign ad for President contains one or more bald-faced lies, the most glaring to me has been the one on tax reform.
According to Joe Biden and the campaign ads, the only people/businesses that would see a tax increase would be those making over $400,000 per year. The Tax Foundation stated that Biden’s plan would raise $3.2 trillion and would bring about the largest tax increase in history. Biden justified this by using the old fallback that the wealthy need to pay their “fair share.”
Are the Democrats and Joe Biden telling us the truth? As usual, in a word, no. The only one who did tell the truth once was Joe Biden himself when he said at a campaign stop that if you got a reduction in taxes under the Trump tax reform plan, you would pay more under Biden’s plan. Since almost everyone got a reduction, that would mean that almost everyone would see their taxes raised.
Guy Benson at Townhall reported:
The more left-leaning Tax Policy Center confirmed that under the Biden plan, “the proposals would increase taxes on average on all income groups, but the highest-income households would see substantially larger increases.” The right-leaning American Enterprise Institute reached the exact same conclusion: “Biden’s proposals would increase taxes, on average, for households at every income level.” Yes, the rich and job creators would get hit hardest, but every income group would get hit. Will working and middle-class people feel good about their reduced income and higher tax burden just because rich people are being forced to pay even more?
Almost all households will face a tax increase under the Biden-Harris tax plan. In fact, as the chart below shows, unless your household income is less than $24,000, there is more than a 90% chance that Biden’s plan, if enacted, will raise your taxes.
This chart was produced by the National Review. It was developed from “The Updated Biden Tax Plan Budgetary, Distribution & Effects” by the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business.
Let’s break this down. If you make less than $24,000, you will have almost a 1 in 3 chance that you will be slammed with higher income taxes. These are people who live paycheck-to-paycheck. Joe Biden wants to make them send more of their hard-earned cash to the government.
Once you earn more than $24,000, you are almost guaranteed to pay more in taxes. It does not matter what quintile you find yourself in.
Gary Halpert notes,
If these numbers come as a surprise to you, keep in mind that they were produced by the renown Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania, which is not exactly a friend of President Trump or his economic agenda.
The estimates in the chart above were produced in March of this year for the public to see, yet few voters have seen them. The mainstream media will not touch this news and continues to support Biden’s lie that his tax increases will only apply to the super rich.
I first learned about this in a new report from National Review written by Joseph Sullivan. You can read it for yourself here and you should.
Conservatives who challenged the Biden-Harris plan with actual facts as outlined here were denigrated and smeared. When they pointed out that 82.6% would pay more, they were called “math-challenged” and worse. “Progressives” on social media scoffed at the idea that taxes would be raised on most Americans. This Obamacare all over again. No one in the MSM wants the public to know the real truth. Certainly, no Democratic elite wants the public to know just how badly they are being lied to. “By any means necessary” is their mantra for winning the election.
These people are evil. Power is their only goal. How they get it does not matter to them. This is the modern Democratic Party.
God help us if Joe Biden wins the election.