Random Thoughts

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For the last few weeks there has been a persistent rumor about a raid in Germany.  Who conducted the raid has not been clear.  Exactly what was acquired has been the subject of speculation.  There are those who claim that servers showing election fraud were successfully obtained.  The claim is that these servers are from a CIA location in Germany. Just what was obtained?

Recent posts on the Internet indicate that a firefight took place in Germany over the servers between Deep State operatives of the CIA and US Special Forces.  One CIA officer was reportedly killed as well as five members of the American military.  If this is true, the actual scope of the treason against this country just multiplied exponentially.

If this raid took place without the FBI or CIA heads being informed, just what does this say about them?  Is this raid the reason Esper was removed as Secretary of Defense?  Is this the reason that Chris Miller, a special forces guy was made acting Secretary of Defense?  Is this raid the reason that Miller gave Special Forces its own command?

Wikileaks released a batch of documents last Tuesday.  The release included 8,761 documents that it claimed revealed details of “malware, viruses, trojans, weaponized ‘zero day’ exploits, malware remote control systems and associated documentation.”

The leaks purportedly revealed that a top secret CIA unit used the German city of Frankfurt am Main as the starting point for numerous hacking attacks around the world.  Why is the media ignoring this?

During the last few weeks, record numbers of military aircraft have been flying.  Usually the number is a couple of hundred but right now we have been in the range of 1600+.  Since the military does not always “squawk” on a transponder, the numbers are probably even higher than that.  Many are large transports.  What does this tell us?  Are some of these rendition flights?

Retired General McInerney was interviewed on Friday along with General Flynn.  Flynn called the election the greatest fraud in the history of the country.  Flynn outlined the courage of patriots who are coming forward with stories of fraud.  These people were putting themselves on the line to expose the corruption that took place.  This reflects America at its finest.  Why are these people being threatened?  Why are people like AOC and others on the left threatening to punish anyone who supports the President?

Why is America using a voting system that is not owned by companies in this country?  Why can other countries manipulate the outcome of our elections?

How long has this election fraud been going on?  Is this the reason that they decided to try to sideline General Flynn back in 2017?  How does Judge Sullivan fit into all of this?

Why are the media censoring the information about fraud?  Why did Twitter delete the accounts of lawmakers in Pennsylvania who spoke out about the fraud?

What were the roles of people like Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, etc. in all of this?  Did Obama use this to win re-election in 2012?  It certainly appears on the surface that Obama was not averse to engaging in corrupt activities during the transition to PDJT’s Presidency.  Why did Bernie Sanders not do something about this when he found out that this had been done to him in the primaries in 2016?

Why is the COVID story being elevated right now?  195 million children are attending school in person in China without problems.  Here in this country schools are backtracking on in person learning.  The medical data does not support this approach.  How does this play into the attempted cover-up by the media?

General Flynn outlined what happened on November 3rd.  Why were vote counts shut down on the early morning hours of November 4th?  Why were so-called pristine mail-in ballots (unfolded) showing up by the tens of thousands in different states?  Why were the percentage breakdown of votes coming in after the shutdown the same across multiple battleground states?

Why is the President of the United States being censored by Big Tech?  Just how deep and wide do the tentacles of the coup run?  Just who is behind all of this?

One thing that is obvious to anyone with two working brain cells.  Joe Biden, who rarely left his basement, could never have garnered the most votes in American history.  Only President Trump could have done that.