Be Not Discouraged

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One of the things that the Democrats and their allies in the media have been desperate to achieve, is getting people who support PDJT to give up, to say “What’s the use?”  I have heard from many people who have been unable to see any path forward where the massive corruption within the presidential election could be exposed and overturned in time to stop the Deep State from stealing the election.

I am absolutely certain that PDJT won the election with the largest number of legitimate votes any American Presidential Candidate has ever received. PDJT CANNOT allow himself, and us, to be cheated out of that win, because it will mean the disfranchising of 78+ million Americans and that Americans have actually been cheated out of their country.

Late Monday, Texas  filed a lawsuit directly in the Supreme Court against four states: Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvan and Wisconsin. The intent is to block those states from casting their Electoral College votes for Joe Biden due to the unconstitutional nature of mail-in ballot use – against legislative approval and requirement.

Immediately seven states joined the suit by filing amicus briefs.  The total number of states joining in this effort has now risen to 22.

Is this important?  The issue should be resolved based on constitutional grounds.  In this case the Supreme Court is the court “of original jurisdiction.”  That means that there is no long and tortuous process to getting something before the court.  The Supreme Court is the place where disputes between the states are resolved.

However, the justices are human beings.  Having half the states in the country joining in, makes it more difficult for the Court to ignore the case.  This isn’t just one state going rogue.

As public perception of the constitutional crisis created by the rampant cheating in this election rises, this also puts pressure on the Court to hear the case.  There are times when it seems like the Constitution is merely a piece of paper with no weight.  Be not discouraged. Keep the pressure up on our elected officials to do the right thing.

The following video (I am surprised it has not been taken down by YouTube) addresses some of our concerns.

Be not discouraged.  The game is not over yet.