Time For A Storm

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The election fraud continues to move along.  The Democrats and their allies in the media and the Deep State believe that they have won.  I hear this from people I know and read.  It’s over.  There is nothing that we can do.  Despite the fact that half the country believes there was massive fraud in the election, nothing is going to happen to change the result.

Nothing could be further from the truth.  We are not even close to the Fat Lady singing.  When the country was founded, things looked bleak for many years.  The winter of 1776 may have been a low point in the Revolution.  A third of the country was loyal to the British crown.  Another third was indifferent to what was going on.  Yet somehow a minority hung in there and the greatest nation in history was born from very humble beginnings.

Our elected officials have been feeding from the public trough for a long time.  PDJT upset that.  They plotted and schemed for four years to throw him out.   It took massive fraud to even come close to achieving that.  It is time for We The people to let our elected officials that we are onto their schemes.

PDJT has fought for us from the time he came down the escalator in Trump Towers in June 2015.  It is time for us to repay that effort.  Politicians pay attention to the people when they are loud and many.  It is time for us to let the politicians know that we are watching their every move.  It is time for us to broadcast that the fraud is obvious to everyone, to all 100 million of us.

Some say what can we do?  I say we can be loud and vociferous.  It is time to bombard our Senators, our representatives, our governors, our assembly people with emails and texts.  We need to tell them that we are watching, we are paying attention to what they are doing.  We need to tell them that it is time for them to represent us, to stand up for freedom and liberty.

I have prepared eight emails that can be sent.  They are below.  All one has to do is copy and paste them and send a different one every day. Send them to your Senators, your rep, your governor.  Let them know we are not going away.

Email #1

I am writing to you today to express my concerns about our recent national election.  As is obvious to most thinking Americans by now, a massive fraud has been perpetrated on the American public.  Literally a majority of registered voters in this country now believe that massive fraud occurred.  It boggles the mind that anyone in Washington would seriously believe that the American people would not see through this massive cheating.  The evidence continues to pile up around the country.  Do you stand with We The People or do you stand with the crooks who stole the election?

Email #2

Here we are.  Joe Biden is claiming a victory in an election that was, by far, the most corrupt in the country’s history.  Instead on conceding the election and begging for forgiveness, he is deigning to lecture others on “free and fair” elections.  The man along with his accomplices should be in jail.  Are you going to stand with him or with liberty and freedom?

Email #3

You are one of our two Senators who represent our great state.  I expect that you will represent us in Washington, not the special interests.  This means that I expect you to stand with our President who won the election in a landslide.  This also means that I expect you to object to any Democratic elector coming from any swing state where so much of the fraud occurred.  I expect you to stand with We The People.  There should be no equivocation about this.  You either stand with freedom, justice and liberty or you stand with the crooks.  Which will it be?

Email #4

Allowing the fraudulent results of this election to go forward would damage me, my wife, my children and my grandchildren.  I cannot abide that.  You may think that the next election is a long time away.  However, if you choose to stand with the crooks, you will never receive a vote from me again.  I will make it my sole purpose in life to see that you and any other crooked politician who stands against truth, justice and freedom never again gets to enjoy the benefits of elected office.

Email #5

Joe Biden and the Democrats plan to use this theft of an election to take away our freedoms and liberties.  They plan to lock us up in our houses and restrict our ability to attend religious services and to associate with our neighbors and friends.  They plan to turn this country into a communist state.  Do you stand with the racists and crooks or do you stand with liberty, justice and freedom?

Email #6

The Chinese communist and the mullahs of Iran are celebrating because they believe that they now own America.  Certainly that will be the case if this fraudulent election is allowed to stand.  Are you going to stand with the mullahs and communists or will you stand with We The People?  We will be watching on January 6th.

Email #7

The courts have mostly failed to acknowledge the most obviously provable fraud any of us have ever witnessed as Americans. There has been little judicial redress thus far. This causes me to believe that the you legislators must be the source of our redress.  We are 100 million strong and remain resolute and steadfast. Will you stand with us, with freedom, with justice or will you show us that you are a racist and a crook?

Email #8

There is a battle being fought for the soul of our nation.  How our country acts now will have lasting effects on the future.  How our elected officials act now will have long-lasting effects on the future of us, our children and our grandchildren.  Who will you side with, the crooks and racists who are trying to steal the election or with liberty, freedom and We The People?

2 thoughts on “Time For A Storm

  1. Pingback: Fraud – Liberty's Refuge

  2. Kay McLean

    There is a battle being fought for the soul of our nation. How our country acts now will have lasting effects on the future. How our elected officials act now will have long-lasting effects on the future of us, our children and our grandchildren. Who will you side with, the crooks and racists who are trying to steal the election or with liberty, freedom and We The People?

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