Random Thoughts

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It must have been Joe Biden who carried Barack Obama to the Presidency in 2008 and 2012.  Obama was just a deadweight on the ticket that Biden overcame.  Who knew that Biden was the most popular politician in American history!

Without campaigning, Biden received 16 million more votes than Hillary?  That would be a 25% increase over Hillary.   Biden never finished higher than 4th in the Iowa caucus in his 32 years of running for president.  Let’s be real.  This is the kind of crap that the MSM and the corrupt politicians are trying to foist on us, to make us believe.  Unfortunately some sheeple do believe.

The problems are in DC.  For way too long We The People have allowed our rulers to ignore We The People and to feed themselves at the public trough.   We got lazy and allowed this to go on for far too long.  The solutions are here amongst us. We have to look outside of DC, to ourselves and to our states.  It is time to fight.  We owe our children and grandchildren a better country than this.

True Socialism, an inarguable belief that human nature can, and must, be changed to suit the Socialist’s ideal of good, invariably follows the same pattern: persuasion, followed by trickery and sleight of hand, followed by overt coercion, followed by crushing brutality, and ending with frustration and accepting that in the name of utility, which is the bedrock of the economic aspect of Socialism, the subject specimen must be erased and the experiment reapplied elsewhere. Einstein’s classic definition of insanity.

Let’s be very clear about what we are seeing and what we are up against. Biden represents something like the head of a mafia crime family. BUT ONLY ONE!  To understand this, we need to reference the CCP which is in essence a conglomerate of a few hundred crime families wielding state power for their own benefit. That is precisely what has transpired here for the last 20 years or so– a rough assembly of various politicians, technocrats, and apparatchiks changing America into a CCP-like crime syndicate.

This is why the GOP has largely opposed Trump and abandoned him now. I hear this all the time in conversations that I have.  Where are the GOP Senators and House members?  They know that he represents the end of the Syndicate or Uniparty if you prefer. For most of them, PDJT must go.

We must all squarely face the reality that our institutions and laws are incapable of overcoming such widespread corruption and foreign interference. I will start beating this drum: WE ARE AT WAR. At this point nothing less than a wartime response will suffice.  Some members of the House are waking up (140 by last count).  It would be great if a few dozen Senators would join them.  Regardless, give no quarter to those who would turn America into communist dictatorship.  It does not matter which party they belong to.

I urge everyone to come to DC on January 6th.  Trump is asking us to do this.  It may very well be our final opportunity to openly demonstrate our utter refusal to accept the coup attempt by the Uniparty.  It is critical that the military — and by that I mean primarily the enlisted and NCO class and junior officers– see that they have the full support of the majority who clearly chose Trump when Trump calls on them to preserve (or restore) our Republic.

All military personnel, and I would guess all elected officials, take an oath upon assuming office, enlisting, reenlisting, or with a promotion. Within that oath is the obligation to protect the nation from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. It seems that we have a domestic enemy in those that conducted this gigantic fraud of an election, with those that are currently abetting this fraud also falling into the category of domestic enemies, e.g. the courts and agencies that are willfully ignoring this corruption of the nation’s one remaining vestiges of liberty. Additionally, there is likely a foreign component involved in this attempt to deny the American people their choice of who will lead this nation.

It would certainly be the commander-in-chief’s obligation to challenge these domestic enemies and render them up for a verdict. If what has occurred is allowed to stand, then we are lost; without a future based on liberty, free will, and one man one vote, America no longer exists.

Does anyone really think this happened without a bipartisan consensus–within the ruling class? I just can’t see how this could have happened without a broad consensus within the ruling class that the common people needed to be slapped down good and hard. Needed to be shown who runs this country.

Adm Stockdale would say of our present situation, “Resist. Never compromise or negotiate with your extortionists (a name he frequently used for both interrogators and torturers), that way leads to certain moral decay.” He would say dwelling on shame, guilt, or recriminations demoralizes men to the point that surrender becomes inevitable which is the extortionists’ goal.

I have heard the following many times over the last few weeks. “It’s no use.  What can we do?”  I have experienced this myself.  Remember this is what the coup plotters want.  They want you to give in and retreat.  You are not alone.  Do not give into them.  You can make a profound difference.

We must deal with our demons and learn to survive without giving up our honor (Honor cannot be “taken” from any person; it can only be “given up”).  Be steadfast.  We must build an organization that cannot be crushed, that means one built on keeping faith with our fellow comrades and supporting them when they flag. We must resolve to take back that which was stolen, regardless of how long or how powerless we feel to accomplish the goal at any given time.


… “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”

~ Robert Frost

1 thought on “Random Thoughts

  1. buy face masks

    I know that you might be trying to avoid bad feeling with this post, but please know that the jucier lines of thinking will start a awesome debate when argued with respect..and it IS your page after all, let your voice set the tone here!

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