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China Joe’s inauguration speech on Wednesday was so boring that former President Bill Clinton took a nap during it.  As one wag noted, “it was the first time in forty years that Bill actually slept next to Hillary.

Just how senile is Joe Biden?  China Joe claimed that during the Trump administration, the federal government failed to act “with urgency” to combat COVID.  This seems to ignore Operation Warp Speed that produced two viable vaccines in nine months’ time, a record.  It also ignores the trillions of stimulus to combat the pandemic.

Trying to continue this line of nonsense, CNN reported that sources within the Biden administration said they inherited no vaccine distribution plan from the previous White House.

“There is nothing for us to rework. We are going to have to build everything from scratch,” one source reportedly told CNN’s MJ Lee.

The problem?  There was a plan, as outlined in Trump’s Operation Warp Speed.  Did CNN correct these “sources?”  Of course not.  This was just more fake news from a network notorious for fake news.

The Biden team’s statements were also contradicted by the National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Anthony Fauci the same afternoon.  “We’re certainly not starting from scratch, because there is activity going on in the distribution,” Fauci told reporters.

Apparently 1.5 million doses a day being administered during the final days of the Trump administration were not a plan.

Biden wants to reduce the number to one million doses and then claimed the press told him that it was not possible to do one million doses a day.

Again, just how senile is China Joe?

Three governors have ordered their National Guard troops home due to the disgraceful treatment that the troops received after the PR handshakes and photo ops were over.  Thousands of troops were ordered to sleep in icy parking garages.

Some 10,000 troops will remain for the time being to assist law enforcement in protecting the Capitol.  Exactly what are they protecting the Capitol from?  Are they afraid that someone will steal the 100,000 flags that they had planted on the National Mall?

Or are they expecting Antifa and BLM to descend on Washington like they did last summer?  All of the FBI’s “credible” evidence of right-wing terrorism about to be unleashed seems to be a narrative to convince the public that conservatives are an existential threat to the country.  Perhaps, as one Congress person opined, the real reason they are there is to keep China Joe from wandering off.

With Joe Biden safely ensconced in the Oval Office, the blue state governors have decided that it is now okay to re-open businesses.  In Michigan restaurants will be allowed to offer indoor dining up to 25% of capacity.  This ignores that fact that in most states indoor dining has been allowed for a long time with no apparent effect on the number of COVID cases.  100% capacity is the norm in many areas.

These people believe that Americans are too stupid to notice the hypocrisy.

After four years of no new wars, of PDJT showing the world that economics is a better weapon than bombs, China Joe increases the number of troops in Syria on his first few days in office.  Apparently Biden believes that American blood is what really greases the wheels of diplomacy.  How many of our young men and women will be maimed and killed because Biden needs to repay campaign debts to the military-industrial complex?

A final thought (Hat Tip…Jeannette).

Don’t give up hope for goodness in the world. Protect the kindness in your heart. Stay firm in your desire for truth and justice. Rest well so that when the time comes, you can stand up for your principles with integrity and compassion. And when you look back on your life, you can have a clear conscience knowing that you did all you could to live with honor and righteousness.

Yes, it would be easier to just hole up and avoid the news. It would be easier to forget the reality that we’re living in. It would be easier to give up hope. On some days, despair can look pretty tempting.

But on those days, remember that if you can hold onto the goodness in your own heart and not be afraid to live it out, you could perhaps be a message from God for someone else.