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Over the years and decades, we have seen many coups take place around the world.  The most common thread that has run through most such events is the occupation of the capital city of that country by the military and the installation of various “protective” measures to protect the instigators.  These have usually included razor wire and other impediments.

Has anyone noticed Washington DC lately?  Armed troops with orders allowing deadly force patrol our nation’s capital.  Razor wire fencing surrounds the seat of government.  Their occupation of the city has now been extended to September.  Pretty soon there will be TSA-style checkpoints in different places around the city.

This is our political elite telling us they have executed a coup against the American people.

The Democrats have no agenda other than accumulating power and being against things.  They seek to divide the country.  They are completely unhinged and consumed by hate.

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) will soon be a recognized psychiatric disorder.  This was highlighted on Thursday when House Democrats introduced legislation to prevent twice impeached US Presidents from being buried in Arlington Cemetery.  They called it the “No Glory For Hate” bill.

PDJT is still living inside their heads rent free.

As most of us know by now Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York is currently on the hot seat for ordering COVID patients to be sent to nursing homes and other long-term care facilities.  This resulted in thousands of deaths of grandmothers and grandfathers.  NY officials covered this up by faking the counts of deaths.  The undercount was in the neighborhood of 50%.

It turns out Cuomo was not the only Governor to do this.  Murphy in NJ, Wolf in PA, Newsom in Calif and Whitmer in Michigan did the same thing.  Why have they been given a pass?  Why did they do this to begin with?  It couldn’t be that senior citizens tend to vote Republican, could it?

The Associated Press reported, “South Carolina’s governor on Thursday signed a bill banning most abortions. Planned Parenthood immediately sued, effectively preventing the new law from taking effect.”

What did anyone expect?  It’s about Planned Parenthood’s bottom line.  The abortion mill needs to be able to kill babies to keep their profits up.

The only lives that matter are the ones the Democrats think they can use for political gain.

If you have ever wondered how regular people stood by and allowed Germany to descend into Nazism, you are now seeing it underway in this country.

1 thought on “Musings

  1. David

    “If you have ever wondered how regular people stood by and allowed Germany to descend into Nazism, you are now seeing it underway in this country.”
    The answer to this is very simple – Propaganda! That is how the Nazi’s got into power.
    Do you want to know how the Nazi’s consolidated power? Here is a good read(however reading it may make you sick after reading it)

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