Over Target

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After failing in court multiple times to get the audit of the Maricopa County election results stopped, there appears to be a change in strategy.  Big Media has not deigned to provide much coverage of this.  When they have, they have denigrated the exercise calling it a carnival or spectacle.

Now, at the end of the first week, CNN has switched gears.  They sent crews to try to get audit volunteers on camera. Why?  Did CNN suddenly decide that the story is newsworthy?  God forbid!  The likely narrative is to try to intimidate the volunteers by putting their faces on TV screens in the area. CNN’s reporting characterized those volunteering as biased and showed some bumper stickers to prove their point.  Can Antifa and BLM be far away?  Will we see them descend on the homes of some of these volunteers?  Will they send the criminals and goons after the audit workers by publishing their pictures, names, and addresses.  Can the FBI be far behind?  Will they investigate the workers as “domestic terrorists?”

This is all part of an ongoing strategy by the Communists Democrats to paint anyone who dares to question the integrity of the election results as a rabid extremist.  They want the everyday Americans to believe that this is some wild conspiracy to overthrow a duly elected government.  This was part of the Avatar’s speech to a limited joint session of Congress Wednesday when he referred to the January 6th protests as the biggest threat to democracy in this country since the Civil War.

All of this continues to tell me that the left is really worried about what will be exposed here.  As one wag noted, “The flak is heaviest when one is right over the target.”

How long is the audit expected to last?  Supposedly there is a May 14th deadline to complete the audit.  Getting the results out will need to follow the rules and procedures of the Arizona Senate.  That probably will take longer than the actual audit.

Assuming that fraud is shown here and that PDJT actually won Arizona (I believe he did), this would be the first domino to fall.  They can use this to drive elections integrity reform, so that 2022 is different. This can also be used to drive audits elsewhere, and follow-up legislation.  There are efforts underway in other states to review the election results.  More dominoes would likely fall over the coming months.

We must counter this narrative engineering by CNN by supporting the audit whenever possible.  It is newsworthy to note that liberals are asking why would someone oppose such an audit.  Yes, why indeed?  The obvious answer seems to elude some of them.