The rich and powerful are desperately trying to cling to COVID-19 as a method to control the population. The latest attempt to do so revolves around the so-called Delta variant. It appears the Delta variant has become the variant of choice. It seems to be dominating the number of new infections in many areas of the world. Is it any more dangerous than the original virus?
Anyone following the news on COVID (it seems fewer and fewer are doing so) knows that the “delta” variant appears to be “highly transmissible.” The original COVID virus was not highly transmissible? That’s just not true. COVID, in most of its forms, has been considered highly transmissible.
So, is the Delta variant more dangerous? The following presentation by Ivor Cummins shows just what the effects of this variant are. It is worth two and a half minutes of your time.
In the UK the Delta variant is truly dominating the new infections in the country. The shaded purple area shows that. More than 75% of new cases in the UK are of the Delta variant.

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Is it more or less dangerous? The green line in the graph below (source UK government data) shows that the Delta variant has had almost no impact on the number of people hospitalized.

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That would make the Delta variant less dangerous by orders of magnitude. In fact, this is generally what happens to viruses as they mutate. They become less dangerous to the population at large.
If one listens to the “experts” like the bureaucrat who heads up the NIH, the Delta variant is “greatest threat” to eliminating COVID-19 in America. Is this man for real? Does Fauci really expect to eliminate a respiratory virus from America or anywhere?
Fauci is doing what he has been doing throughout this outbreak. He is using scare tactics to take away individual freedoms. Fauci is psychologically inoculating people against the truth. He has been aided in this by the social media giants who have suppressed the truth as well.
Fauci is pushing a PR campaign to coerce people into getting jabbed. Fauci makes no mention of highly effective treatments for COVID utilizing drugs like hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Ivermectin. He makes no mention of the mounting list of deleterious side effects from the experimental mRNA drugs put out by Big Pharma. Fauci is just a front man for Big Pharma.
Dr. Peter McCullough, an eminent physician and scientist, noted the following:
“Almost everything we have been told about this virus and the response to it has been a lie. Not a mistake, not an accident, not a misunderstanding. Dr Mike Yeadon, one of the few true heroes of the moment, lists these falsehoods as follows:
1. That the virus is novel, so there is no immunity to it.
2. That the virus is very much more lethal than anything else we’ve encountered.
3. That there are no treatments.
4. That the PCR is a reliable test of clinically important infection.
5. That the virus can be spread by infected people without symptoms.
6. That masks protect against transmission.
7. That Lockdowns slow transmission through the community.
8. That variants formed during virus replication are more dangerous and some will escape immunity.
9. That it’s uncertain if you can be infected twice.
10. That the vaccines are safe and effective.”
All ten of these statements were lies and those that pushed these statements on the public knew it. How do they get away with this?
Dr. McCullough notes:
They have been monitoring human behaviour for decades. They have seen how easy it has been for Governments to convince people of things which are demonstrably untrue. They have seen how easy it was to persuade whole populations to give up freedoms in the name of safety. They have seen how easy it was to manipulate people by the use of powerful media messaging. They have seen how easy it has been to control the media into towing the line. They have seen the power of groupthink. They have seen how social media and algorithms can shape, alter, and condition behaviour. They have set up their behavioural science units in the heart of Government and – as Laura Dodsworth shows in her fantastic work, State of Fear – they have been more than willing to reach for the levers of fear and panic as a means of controlling masses of people. And so when the time came, they knew which buttons to press, which nerves to touch, which emotions to play upon, although they are no doubt astonished at the ease with which it has been done.
One only has to look back at the shooting down of flight TWA 800 on July 17, 1996 to see this. Despite there being over 700 credible eyewitnesses to this tragedy, eventually through media manipulation and constant lying, the narrative came to be a stray spark in a fuel tank. This was never shown to be possible. However, it is the accepted storyline with most people who remember this event. Jack Cashill has written the definitive book on this tragedy.
The January 6th insurrection is another example of this nonsense. If one listens to the media and the Democrats, a civil war erupted in this country on that day. I was there along with a million other people. If what they say were true, the Capitol Building would be in ruins today.
How do we stop this attack upon us? Perhaps one approach could be to just laugh at these people. Jill Biden, the Avatar’s wife, went to Tennessee to push the mRNA experimental drug on Tennesseans. The crowd booed her and then laughed at her when she said they were booing themselves.
These people are clowns and we need to let them know that.