It Gets Worse

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The White House declared “Mission accomplished” and took a victory lap on Monday over the greatest foreign policy disaster in US history.

The administration admitted to leaving behind at least 250 Americans.  The number is very likely a lot higher.  The administration started using language last week to indicate that everyone who “wanted to leave” were being taken care of.  Why would anyone believe the administration at this point?

According to two reliable reporters, Lara Logan and Emily Miller, it appears our government was denying Americans access to the airport in Kabul.  This allegation was buttressed by Rep. Dan Crenshaw, a former Navy Seal.

On Saturday:

On Sunday, it got worse:

Rep. Dan Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL, who knows his way around a war zone, corroborated Logan’s report:

Emily Miller posted a series of Tweets:

The following is something that many people have become aware of.  There are private groups of former military people who have been evacuating people from Afghanistan on their own.  These are private flights organized by these individuals to get people out.


What does this mean?  Several explanations jump up, none of them very pleasant.  Andrea Widburg makes the following observation:

At this point, there are only two conclusions that can be drawn from what’s happening in Afghanistan, beginning with Biden’s decision to jettison Trump’s careful plan and continuing through to the present day:

(1) Everyone in the White House, the State Department, and the Pentagon is so incompetent that a roomful of drunk kindergarteners could have handled the withdrawal from Afghanistan better than they have, or

(2) What we’re witnessing is deliberate.  I can believe that of Biden, who is a Chinese puppet.  That the Pentagon brass would engage in this conduct means that they too are on the Chinese payroll which is a very distressing thought.  Alternatively, it’s deliberate because these people have been so steeped in America-hatred that they are willingly sabotaging America to destroy it.  They are the contents of the Trojan Horse.

I opt for #2.  How many radical Islamic jihadists are headed to America now?

Tucker Carlson had something to say.  He did not hold back.

They won’t admit they are wrong and don’t care what you think.  They did “as well as possible.”  Total FUBAR and they are taking victory laps.