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Besides having a potential lack of police officers due to vaccine mandates, Seattle is now experiencing problems with their ferry service due to a lack of crews.  A chronic crew shortage at Washington State Ferries suddenly became a transportation debacle Friday.  The nation’s largest ferry system was forced to reduce service on seven of its 10 routes, while preparing for weeks of missed trips and frustrated passengers.

Approximately 140 sailings were canceled Friday, and several were late, in what the agency called “a rough service day due to lack of crew.”

A significant factor is most likely Gov. Jay Inslee’s deadline of Oct. 18 for state workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19, or risk losing their jobs.  Rumors have circulated for weeks of sickouts, or a wave of people preparing to quit soon.

Will the Governor double down on his threat?  If you live in Seattle, prepare for a long commute soon if you use the ferry system.

First, Southwest Airlines. Then this ferry service on the same day.  What other transportation services will be next?

Dr. Fauci’s policies never had any concern for the poor and starving in America or abroad, and now we are starting to see the devastation of his decisions.

Coronavirus restrictions are leading to the death of 10,000 children a month, 50 percent in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Saying Fauci has blood on his hands is like saying the South Pole can be a bit cold during the winter.

Children should be able to safely go trick-or-treating this Halloween since it’s outdoors, Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday.

“You can get out there – you’re outdoors for the most part, at least when my children were out there doing trick-or-treating – and enjoy it,” the White House chief medical adviser said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

That’s nice of Dr. Doom to allow us to celebrate a holiday.  Fauci is well past his use-by date.  Just ask those HIV patients who believed what he told them.  Oh, that’s right.  You can’t.

Don Surber reports that hundreds of thousands of troops have not yet complied with Biden’s insane vaccine mandate.  As Surber noted maybe Biden can entice the Taliban to step in for those he fires.

A federal judge in Texas temporarily restrained United Airlines from placing employees on paid leave who seek religious exemptions for COVID vaccinations.

In August, United said all of all its 67,000 US-based employees must be vaccinated for COVID by September 27 unless they had a religious or medical exemption.

593 employees have yet to get jabbed after the September 27 deadline passed.

A federal judge in New York ruled on Tuesday that State Health Officials must allow employers to grant religious exemptions to a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers while a lawsuit challenging the mandate proceeds through the courts, according to the NY Times.

“The question is whether the State’s summary imposition of § 2.61 conflicts with plaintiffs’ and other individuals’ federally protected right to seek a religious accommodation from their individual employers,” wrote Judge David N. Hurd, a Bill Clinton appointee.

The answer to this question is clearly yes. Plaintiffs have established that § 2.61 conflicts with longstanding federal protections for religious beliefs and that they and others will suffer irreparable harm in the absence of injunctive relief,” reads the 27-page ruling.

Hurd issued a preliminary injunction preventing the NY Department of Health from acting against any employer who grants religious exemptions, adding that the plaintiffs were likely to succeed in their case.

Are we starting to see pushback from the judiciary?  Will more judges actually honor the rule of law?