Maximum Vaccination

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I pass this along as a contribution from a reader.  One can read the whole article below.

Maximum Vaccination – by eugyppius – eugyppius (

“So high rates of vaccination can’t reduce infections, and vaccinating the oldest and sickest hasn’t done very much for overall hospitalisations and deaths either. Yet our governments press on, not because the vaccines are working, but because they’re not. We’ve been through all of this before. Last year, large swathes of the developed world banned most of public life because everyone decided that this was the way to save lives. Wuhan convinced them that lockdowns work, in much the same way as the Pfizer/BioNTech trials convinced them that vaccines work. Except lockdowns didn’t work, and vaccines don’t really work either. Corona rages on, indifferent to the strange learned fantasies of our medical bureaucrats.

A consequence of these failures is raging cognitive dissonance among the elite, and a substitution of the means for the end. Last year, it was locking down itself that became the highest policy goal. Governments schemed less about how to get cases down, than about how to reduce the Google-certified mobility of their citizenry by margins great enough to satisfy their court astrologers. The same is now true of the vaccines, which in their failure to do much about anything, have become the focus of nearly all Corona policy everywhere in the world. All that our governments want to do now is vaccinate more and harder. They want to vaccinate all of the unvaccinated, and when that grows tiresome they will want to triple and quadruple vaccinate the already-vaccinated. And they especially want to vaccinate that last demographic that has so far remained largely exempt from vaccination, namely children.”…….
