Follow The Science

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Follow the science.  This is a mantra that we have heard over and over again the past two years.  The sainted Dr. Fauci has been one to use it anytime he finds himself in a position where he is contradicting what he said previously.  If we follow the science, what are we learning about the last 22 months?

Joe Hoft has written a piece about the trends in this pandemic and it raises questions about the path forward.

In the first 3 months of 2020 in the US, 3,603 people died from Covid-19. In April the deaths accelerated and varied between 9k and 15k per week.  Eventually, 333,199 died between April 1, 2020 and Dec 31, 2020 for a daily average of 1,216 deaths.

Hoft uses the term “from COVID.”  I would say that the more accurate description is “with COVID.”  The percentage of people who died from COVID is actually very low.  Most of the deaths with COVID occurred due to multiple co-morbidities.

The important number in Hoft’s analysis is the daily average of 1,216 deaths.  Please be reminded that five governors (NY, NJ, PA, Michigan and California) were forcing COVID patients into nursing homes with a resulting devastation in those states that was criminal.  Thousands upon thousands of nursing home patients died as a result of this lame-brained idea.

Hoft goes on to note:

During the October 22nd 2020 debate Joe Biden stated, “Folks, I will take care of this. I will end this. I will make sure we have a plan”.

According to there have been an additional 414,890 deaths from Covid-19 between Jan 1, 2021 and Oct 20, 2021.  That equates to a new daily average of 1,421 deaths.  The 2021 daily rate is 16.9% greater than 2020.  In the math world we would say the plan has failed.

So, in a year when we did not have idiot Democratic governors trying to amp up the death count, the daily average is HIGHER than it was the year before.  I would agree with Hoft.  The plan has failed.

Hoft goes onto analyze the situations in a number of states.  These include Pennsylvania, Maryland, Massachusetts and Vermont.  Please be reminded that these are states that had stricter lockdowns and mitigation measures than average.

Maryland…9/22 to 10/10…21,864 cases…7,233 (33.1%) classified as breakthrough

259 deaths…77 (29.7%) breakthrough

Massachusetts…8/28 to 9/18…44,773 cases…16,611 (37.1%) breakthrough

269 deaths…86 (32.0%) breakthrough

Massachusetts…9/25 to 10/16…38,228 cases…15,597 (40.8%) breakthrough

380 deaths…154 (40.5%) breakthrough

Pennsylvania…9/15 to 10/4…26.1% classified as breakthrough

1,153 deaths…305 (26.5%) breakthrough

With respect to Vermont, Hoft notes:

While Vermont is a small state, the fully vaccinated share of the total loss of life from Covid-19 is an even higher percentage than any of the states reviewed so far.  In September, according to the Vermont Daily Chronicle, 76% of those who died of Covid-19 were fully vaccinated.

The item that stands out about these numbers is this.  The number of deaths tracks closely with the percentage of cases.  The public has been sold on the idea that, while the so-called vaccines may not stop infection, they will make it less serious.  This is not what the numbers above are showing.  If this were true, the percentage of deaths should be significantly lower than the percentage of breakthrough cases.  They are not.

Hoft continues to examine data from the UK.  He relates data that should be very alarming.

The following table from the UK government can be found here, on page 15.  It shows that between week 37 and week 40, there was a total of 2,805 covid-19 deaths and 2,136 or 76.1% were fully vaccinated.  These deaths happened within 28 days of a positive Covid-19 test.

This closely tracks with what has happened in Vermont.  Why are we continuing this insane protocol of forcing “vaccines” on people?  Why is the mindless wonder in the White House continuing to sing the praises of the “vaccines?”  What is the real motive behind these efforts?  Keep in mind that the numbers in this country tend to lag behind the UK by several weeks.

Despite all the propaganda to the contrary, the “vaccines” are no silver bullet.  Dr. Robert Malone, who developed the mRNA technology, stated, “overuse of vaccines will drive the development of viruses that are able to evade vaccinations”.

Is Dr. Malone correct?  Why is the 2021 daily death toll higher than 2020 when no vaccine was available?  What is driving this?  How are the “vaccines” interacting with the virus to produce this result?

Hoft completes his analysis by stating:

If a current protocol has failed, we need to discard it.  If the majority of deaths are in a specific age group we need to focus on that age group and protect their lives.  We need to stop spending time on scare tactics with other groups who are at minimal risk of death, by coercing them or mandating them into getting an experimental vaccine without knowledge of long-term side effects.
