Insurrection Hoax

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And so it begins.  The Democrats have lied over and over and will continue to lie to the American public about what happened on January 6, 2021. They will call it a right-wing attack on democracy.  The lapdog media will echo this.  The Dems will falsely state that January 6th was a symptom of an even bigger problem.  That problem was an attempt to delegitimize free and fair elections.

A real attempt at insurrection took place not January 6, 2021 but November 7, 1983, the day that the May 19 Communist Coalition detonated a bomb that blasted a hole in the wall outside the Senate chamber.

How many people are aware of this incident that took place 28 years ago?  And why isn’t there more public knowledge of this?

Pedro Gonzales, an associate editor at American Culture noted:

But the 1983 incident—the day that a group with the goal of violently overthrowing the government bombed the Senate building—has been effectively wiped from memory. Susan Rosenberg, a May 19 member, was initially charged with a role in the 1983 Capitol bombing and two others, but the charges were dropped as part of a plea deal. In 1984, she was arrested in possession of 750 pounds of explosives and firearms, including automatic weapons, and a jury convicted her the following year. But 16 years into Rosenberg’s 58-year sentence, President Bill Clinton commuted it on his last day in office. By 2020, Rosenberg, a convicted terrorist, was sitting on the board of Thousand Currents, which handles donations made to Black Lives Matter.

So, a Democratic President on his last day in office commuted the sentence of someone who had actually tried to overthrow the government of the United States.  This was a real attempt at insurrection.

Today, the COVID regime will not brook any public dissent.  Hundreds of people remain imprisoned in Washington because they walked through the Capitol Building, many at the invitation of and assurance from Capitol Police.  Why won’t the government release the 14,000 hours of video from January 6th?  What don’t they want the public to see?  These people imprisoned in the gulag in Washington are the very definition of political prisoners.

This attempt to call January 6th an insurrection is another in a long line of hoaxes perpetrated on the American public. The Whitmer “kidnapping” and the Jussie Smollett attack are two more recent examples of this.  Both of these examples were attempts to sway public opinion against anyone who would not support a complete reset of the very foundations of democracy.

Gonzales notes:

The truth is that above all, January 6 is a political myth, transformed from a historical event into an ideology designed to protect and stabilize a regime whose supporting institutions are deteriorating.

The signs are everywhere: A recent survey by Rasmussen Reports found that 47 percent of Americans now view the FBI unfavorably, including 26 percent who have a very unfavorable impression. Fewer voters trust the organization, and many believe the agency is acting as President Joe Biden‘s “personal Gestapo.” Just 46 percent feel favorably about the FBI, down from 60 percent last May.

Because of their plummeting polling numbers, the Democrats will use January 6th to try to pass federal legislation that would make it easier to commit election fraud.  They will characterize half the country as “insurrectionists” in an attempt to stem the declining poll numbers.

What their lapdogs in the media call pro-democracy legislation is really pro-Democrat legislation.  It would ban voter IDs.  It would ban all attempts to determine the legitimacy of people who show up to vote.  It would remove safeguards around mail-in and absentee voting.  Essentially it would allow rampant cheating as we have seen in California where many of these “features” exist in election laws.

NY’s senior senator, Chuck Schumer, vowed to remake the Senate rules in order to pass this corrupt piece of legislation.  Schumer is attempting to use the January 6th event to pretend that this was an ongoing attempt to overthrow the government of the United States.

Schumer excoriated the Republican Party as anti-democratic.

“As we all are witnessing, the attacks on our democracy have not ceased. In fact, they have only accelerated.  Much like the violent insurrectionists who stormed the U.S. Capitol nearly one year ago, Republican officials in states across the country have seized on the former president’s Big Lie about widespread voter fraud to enact anti-democratic legislation and seize control of typically nonpartisan election administration functions.”

None of this is true.  Legislation that has been passed (19 states, 34 laws) has been aimed at ensuring free and fair elections.  None of this legislation has restricted voting rights.  No such legislation has been overturned in any federal court.

Of course, Schumer has a problem with the courts when they do not acquiesce to his demands.  He has threatened to remake the federal courts so that they will no longer be an independent third branch of government, co-equal with the other branches.

The Democrats know that they are failing.  This stealing of a presidential election (and other high-level offices) has backfired.  Everything that has been done since 1/20/21 has damaged the people of this great country.

This week will see the beginning of what will the biggest gaslighting operation in this country ever.  These kinds of outright falsehoods will be the staple of the Democratic campaign for the 2022 mid-terms.  There will be repeated attempts to use January 6th as a battering ram against the foundations of democracy.  Right now, it is their only hope of salvaging anything in the coming mid-terms.

Senator Schumer and his fellow Democratic Senators are leading the attack to destroy America as a beacon of liberty.  Let’s not let him get away with it.

Hat Tip…CTH

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