Mandate News

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In a major reversal of policy NYC mayor Eric Adams has announced his intention to reverse the city’s “Key2NYC” policy, which currently requires anyone 5 and older to show proof of vaccination in order to enter most public spaces.  He also said he wants to end the indoor mask requirement for students and staff in schools across the city.  These policies, which did absolutely nothing to stop the spread of COVID, were always just a method to condition the public to acquiesce to government decrees.

Is this announcement being timed to allow the mindless inhabitant of the White House to declare victory over COVID during his State of the Union address on March 1st?

The House is lifting its mask mandate ahead of President Biden’s State of the Union address this week, making mask wearing optional throughout the Capitol complex.

In a letter on Sunday, Capitol Physician Brian Monahan shared the changes with lawmakers returning to Washington this week.

“Individuals may choose to mask at any time, but it is no longer a requirement,” he wrote.

This comes at the same time that the CDC lifted its mask “guidance” on Friday.

This has all been political theatre.  The show now requires such actions so that “victory” can be declared during the State of the Union address.

The virus did what it was going to do with or without the CDC’s “guidance.”  If information about effective treatments had not been squashed by people like Dr. Fauci, the “pandemic” would have ended in the spring of 2020.

Meanwhile other Democrat politicians do not seem to have gotten the memo yet.  In St. Louis,  its mask mandate for indoor public spaces dating back in December remains in place for the ordinary people.. The mandate requires masks to be worn in indoor public spaces in the City of St. Louis for anyone age five (5) and older.

But, of course, the ruling class does not have to abide by such mandates — especially when partying.

Rules are for thee but not for me.