Is there a depopulation event going on around the world? Countries with relatively high jab rates with the experimental, unproven mRNA drug protocol are seeing excess mortality as well as a declining live birth rate. Fewer babies combined with increasing mortality is the formula for fewer people. Is this what the real intent was of the people who promoted only one solution to the COVID virus?
Let’s look at some numbers regarding live births.
Germany…Igor Chudov notes:
Germany is experiencing a strange decline in births in the first quarter of 2022, totally inconsistent with their experience in recent years.
Babies for the first quarter of 2022 were conceived in the second quarter of 2021. There wasn’t any unusual event that occurred during 2Q 2022, was there?
Data about the actual jab times of different age groups in Germany is not available in Our World in Data. However, Belgium’s numbers are and their jab rates and timelines were similar to Germany.

Hat Tip…Igor Chudov
Hmm, significant uptake of the mRNA therapy. There certainly is a correlation here. Would anyone want to bet against a causation?
Let’s look at another country…Taiwan who may have to deal with an aggressive China in the very near future.
Chudov notes:
According to a Taiwan government report, the birth rate dropped by 23.24% in May 2022, compared to May 2021.
Just how likely is it for this event to happen naturally? Chudov notes that “…a massive 13% decline in births in Germany… is a nine-sigma event, meaning that it is so unlikely to occur by chance, that it would naturally happen as rarely as an asteroid striking the Earth.
Sigmas are units of standard deviation from the mean.
Taiwan’s results are literally off the scale. May’s numbers represent a 26-sigma event. Did something happen nine months before May 2022 that could have affected the number of live births?
That would take us back to September of 2021. By then end of September, 56% of all people in Taiwan had been jabbed with the mRNA therapy.
So, is the jab just correlated or is it the cause?
Let’s look at June in Taiwan. Births are down a whopping 27.66%.
Please also note that a significant increase in deaths occurred for both May and June. Take an “impossible” birth rate drop of -27.66% combined with a 26% increase in deaths and you have basically a slow death sentence for the population of Taiwan if it continues.
How about Sweden? Sweden publishes up-to-date birth statistics. The statistics are very concerning and show a deepening decline in births this year. Courtesy of Chudov here is a graphic displaying the drop in births there.
Coincidence? I think not. When will Big Media start reporting on this? Look at Sweden’s vaccination progress from April to August 2021:
The graphs speak for themselves. There are many more such examples around the world. The mRNA therapy is a disaster. And we have undoubtedly not seen the worst of this yet. It is time to hold accountable those who would depopulate the planet.