Is It Over?

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While the bobbleheads will undoubtedly try to smear the judge, US District Judge Aileen Cannon on Saturday announced the “preliminary intent to appoint a special master” to review all of the records seized by the FBI during its unprecedented and likely illegal raid on President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago.

Judge Cannon said the FBI raid on Mar-a-lago “involved political calculations” to diminish the leading voice of the Republican Party just months before the midterm election.  In other words that are less polite, the FBI was trying to throw the election to the Democrats.

Mark Wauck, a former FBI agent, was also less polite.

Judge Cannon takes at least two swipes at the government and makes some additional important statements. First, she questions the FBI’s reliability—offering two examples to support her skepticism. And Second, she strongly suggests that DoJ’s arguments against Trump’s executive privilege “overstate the law.”

A Third important point: Cannon blocks any further investigation until the special master reports. Finally, Cannon reveals, among other things, that the FBI Raiders seized Trump’s medical records. Medical records? Passports? This is further confirmation of SWC’s view, shared by many, that 1) the warrant itself was overbroad and that 2) the search as conducted was overbroad. The implication is that the whole thing should be tossed out.

Wauck refers to CBSNews Steve Portnoy’s Twitter thread

To DOJ’s argument that the FBI’s privilege review team has sifted out potentially-privileged material, Cannon writes, “The Court is not so sure.”

Again, in not so polite terms, this is the judge saying you fooled other judge’s with false statements, that is not going to happen here.  Also, the FBI’s request to “turn off the cameras” probably does not sit well.

As the judge notes politely in her order, the raid appears to be a desperate attempt to quell PDJT’s political influence.  There is also the likelihood that they hoped to find something that could be used as an “October surprise” just before the elections.

In addition to appointing a special master, the judge put a freeze on the investigation.  That means that the wet dream of crazed leftists that PDJT is about to be indicted is put on hold.  If the special master does the job right, everything should be returned to Trump.  And that would mean an end to this chapter of the coup.

This case is all about intimidation.  Where have we seen that before?

The most recent example was Biden’s angry denigration of half the country last Thursday.  Biden continued his declaration of war on MAGA Republicans.  His speech, backlit in communist red and black, should be an affront to all Americans.

Biden spoke in Wlikes Barre to about 150 people there on Tuesday.  Trump hit back on Saturday in Wilkes Barre.  The crowd was estimated at 12,000.

PDJT stated the obvious:

“Republicans in the MAGA movement are not the ones trying to undermine our democracy. We are the ones trying to save our democracy very simple. The danger to democracy comes from the radical left, not from the right. Not from the right.

“This November, we’re going to stand up to this rising tyranny of sickness, lawlessness and death. And we are going to take back our country. We’re going to take it.”

Don Surber notes:

The FBI raid out-and-out backfired. Judge Cannon appointing a special master to keep the FBI in line nullifies that FBI raid because Biden’s bullies got nothing on Trump in that raid. Nothing.

What will be the next chapter in this saga?