Stochastic Terrorism

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One of the weapons that the Left uses to suppress dissent is to define words in a certain, specific way and then to accuse their opposition of being what they have defined.  For example, during the Obama administration, they defined opposition to any of Obama’s plans as racism.  In those days that was one of the worst things one could say about another person.

Opposition to same sex marriage was defined as being homophobic.  Such people were intolerant and bigoted.  And the list goes on and on.

Joe Biden’s “soul of the nation” speech was another example of this.  In a primetime address, Biden defined anyone who supported PDJT as a domestic terrorist and a threat to democracy.  Why?  This would make it more palatable for the FBI to conduct raids against such people.

Dan Bishop, a Republican, has represented North Carolina’s Ninth Congressional District since a special election was held in 2019.  Bishop seems to have caught on to a plot to use academic language (“stochastic terrorist”) to define voicing opposition to the left’s agenda as terrorism.   First, define your opponents as terrorists, and then repress them.

Bishop goes on to say out loud what many of us have known for some time.

Braddock notes that it is not illegal to do what he says these people are doing.  However, Braddock has defined what these people are doing in terms (stochastic terrorism) that make it appear that what they are doing is very wrong.  After all, who wants to be accused of terrorism.  It also makes it more palatable to brainwashed Democrats when repression of different opinions by people who believe in the foundational values of America takes place.

However, there is a different standard if someone on the Left does the same thing.  This was illustrated by his response to the question about President Biden.

Let’s remember that this person is being funded by the administration to come up with BS like this.  The administration is funding research into ways to suppress free speech in this country.