The World Broke

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The act of blowing up the Nord Stream Pipelines shows us the world is not what we think it is.  Regardless of who actually did the physical deed, these actions telegraph that there are those who believe that this will advance their agenda the most.  These are people who think they are entitled to run the world.  And they cannot accept that they are losing.

Tom Loungo gave a speech in June at the Ron Paul Institute Conference on Foreign Policy.   In it he described the game of geopolitics as a seven-player game of the ancient Chinese game, Go.  The speech is applicable to our current situation.  It is a bit lengthy, almost 26 minutes.  It is a great speech and is well worth your time.

The most valuable real estate on the planet is the space between your ears.  We must disseminate information to allow people to go out and continue to build civilization over the roadblocks and barriers of those who want to tear it down.

You are not alone.

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1 thought on “The World Broke

  1. Pingback: Nord Stream & Davos – Liberty's Refuge

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