Nord Stream & Davos

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Hurricane Ian has driven some of the speculation about the Nord Stream Pipelines sabotage off the front pages.  People in this country are more concerned about the day-to-day recovery activities going on in Florida.  Tom Luongo has written an article about the sabotage and the more pressing question of whodunit.

If you have not read the post on Monday about Tom Luongo’s speech in June, I urge you to do so.  It will benefit your understanding of what Loungo talks about.

The World Broke

Luongo delves into the current miasma that is world geopolitics.  In case you had not noticed, there are countries, who were, at least on paper, our allies during the Trump administration, who no longer will even talk to us.  (Think Saudi Arabia, India among others).

The BRICS countries (Brazil, South Africa, India, Russia and China) are moving away from the international system of payments that has existed for most of our lifetimes.  They are doing this to get out from under the domination of their economies by the UK and US bankers.  In particular, they do not agree with the elites who are headquartered in Davos, Switzerland who want one world government.

Luongo uses the analogy of a game board with multiple players to describe what is going on.  As with any game there are rules.  World geopolitics is no different.  Luongo comes to the conclusion that those ‘who think they are entitled to run the world’ will flip the game board.  He bases this on the fact of the Nord Stream sabotage.

Luongo notes:

They will change the rules of the game without remorse or a care in the world for those they harm and the aftereffects of their actions. In fact, the chaos they engender is preferable to them than losing.

And the Davos people are losing.  The EU was their vehicle to impose totalitarianism on the countries of the EU.  Smaller countries such as Hungary, Poland and more recently Sweden, have bucked the tide of top-down imposition of control coming out of Brussels.  Victor Orban in Hungary has won four terms with a bigger margin of victory each time.  His message of nationalism, family values and morality has been the opposite of what the Davos crowd is selling.

However, Hungary is relatively small potatoes in the EU.  Italy is a different story.  Italy is the 2nd or 3rd largest economy in the EU.  When the polls showed that Giorgia Meloni’s party was going to win a decisive victory, the EU went on the offensive to try and influence the outcome.

The unelected, openly totalitarian President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, openly threaten Italians to ‘vote right’ or face her wrath.

“We will see the result of the vote in Italy. If things go in a difficult direction, we have tools, as in the case of Poland and Hungary.” 

The election went in “a difficult direction.”  The EU is fracturing.  100,000 people showed up in Prague this past weekend to protest their government and its policies.  There are ongoing protests in many EU countries.

Getting back to Luongo’s game board analogy, each player has assets, some more than others.  These assets are scattered around the board.  Each player in turn can form factions to protect their sphere of influence.  Geopolitics can cause factions to splinter and to re-coalesce with different members.  This can put assets at risk.  However, despite all of this maneuvering, there used to be rules.  One of those rules involved attacks on physical infrastructure.  Outside of a full-blown war, these were not on the table.

That line has now been crossed.  Some member of a faction on the board did this.  This is “flipping the game board.”  Luongo notes:

We got the first inkling of this when the West didn’t just freeze Russia’s foreign exchange reserves but seized them.

Think about this.  We never seized Iran’s assets all those years ago.  $150 billion were frozen.  Iran is a country that has promoted terrorism around the world.  Those assets remained frozen until President Obama wanted a win in foreign affairs and he released them, flying some of the released funds to Iran in the dead of night.

Luongo goes on:

Now undersea assets in international waters are fair game. The good news is that this flipping of the game board was only a couple of gas pipelines. The potential is still for something far more unthinkable, not that that’s off the table.

This is what is behind all the hysterical reporting by the media trying to build a narrative that Russia is about to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine.  Some faction on this side of the board crossed a red line in international relations.  The nuclear weapons narrative is a smokescreen to distract the public from the very serious nature of the Nord Stream sabotage.  The neocons both here and abroad cannot have the public discern that it is they who are trying to start WW III.

The burning question is whodunit?

For those who claim Russia did it, there is just one question.  The pipelines were Russia’s biggest piece of leverage with Germany first and with the rest of Europe next.  Why would Putin destroy this leverage when all he has to do is turn off the tap?  Regardless of what the neocons say, Putin is not stupid.  He is not about to shoot himself in the foot.

Global politics is a long game.  This is something that many different administrations including this one have failed to grasp.  This is exacerbated by the fact that we have a puppet (Biden) being controlled by another puppet (Obama).  Yes, Obama is a puppet in this.  He is following a script laid out for him by the Davos crowd.  It is not one he disagrees with.  So, Obama is a willing, fully cognitive participant as contrasted to Biden.

One puppet (Biden) along with a bit player from the State Department (Nuland) did make statements about stopping the Nord Stream II before the Ukraine war started.  That actually happened when Germany, contrary to its own best interests, refused to certify it.  This was undoubtedly on orders from the Davos crowd probably delivered through the Avatar in the White House.  Why blow it up now along with Nord Stream I?

Here’s where the whole nastiness gets caught up in the evil that is the Davos crowd.  Their goal is one world government with the UN as the nexus of that power.  These are people who arrogantly believe it is their right and privilege to demean everyone else they don’t respect or agree with.  Does this sound like a certain political party in this country?

They simply do not care about the downstream effects if they perceive a supposed advantage in a particular course of action.  Freeze the people in Germany?  Too bad.  In their eyes it is all for the common good.  And that common good is world domination with them in charge.

The German government was beginning to wobble away from the ordained course that was laid out.  If the pipelines had not been destroyed, there was a good chance that one of two things would have happened.  Either the German government would have acquiesced to their people’s needs and agreed to Russia’ s conditions or the government would have gone under.  New elections would have been needed.

Tom Luongo noted back in January:

Eurocrats Ursula von der Leyen, Charles Michel, Christine Lagarde, etc. were all placed in power by Davos to effect the very outcomes we’ve been unfortunately treated to.  They have zero skin in the game of Europe.  There are no bad outcomes for them other than if they don’t do as they are told.  

And they are being told to be uncompromising, reality-denying dickheads.

And that is what they have been.  Again there is no care about what is actually happening in Ukraine.  Limited swaths of land have been re-taken at tremendous cost to the Ukrainian army.  Ukraine is sacrificing their troops in horrendous numbers for no good reason.  Casualties are in the tens of thousands to capture these places.  And Putin is still fighting with one arm tied behind his back.  Wait until he brings his frontline troops into the battle.

The special military operation in Ukraine could have been over in the spring.  The EU and NATO refused to even consider ending it.  Despite a bought and completely owned press, the people in Europe are beginning to rise up against the EU.

The election results in Italy were bad enough for the EU.  It has sent shockwaves through the autocratic EU establishment.  If Italy breaks the chains binding it to the EU, others will surely follow.  The EU might have been able to crush Hungary and Victor Orban if given enough time, but Italy is clearly a different matter.

To have the possibility that someone not trained at Davos might wind up heading the German government was unthinkable.  Removing the possibility of using the pipelines removed the temptation for the German government to fall under Russian influence.  The fact that this may cause a complete collapse of the German economy is an after effect that matters not to those who believe they have a right to rule the world.

So where does that leave us with regard to the sabotage whodunit?

Luongo has an extended Twitter thread that is apropos here.  I have added my own thoughts in some spots.

Original Tweets in BoldLuongo Commentary in italics.

  1. Just so we are clear. I believe and have believed the hyper-aggressive Neocons (or Straussians) are a faction easily manipulated into doing things that look like they are to their benefit but ultimately aren’t.
  2. People this single-minded and radical can easily be directed like a missile at a particular target, especially if that target is their White Whale, i.e. Russia.

Neocons are salted throughout the Biden administration (think State, CIA, NSA, etc.) as well as throughout the UK and EU governments.

  1. Davos is obsessed with preserving the EU and transferring that power to the UN for global government through the end of commercial banking and total surveillanceThis is incontrovertibly true. They’re pushing hard for CBDCs to replace the current monetary system.

President Joe Biden had called for an urgent, government-wide focus to be placed on the research and development of a potential central bank digital currency (CBDC) in his executive order signed on March 9th.  Biden couched the need for such an approach as a savior for the unbanked.

The dangers to liberty and freedom from such an approach are many and varied and totally ignored by his executive order.

  1. Getting the neocons to over-react to the current state of play in Ukraine by blowing up two vital pipelines to Europe is child’s play. You are goading them to do what they want to do anyway.Screw Germany and Russia simultaneously.

  2. But the real win for them isn’t giving Germany no way to back down from Russia. It is to get Germany to see themselves as a victim of US colonialism. Cue the protests over energy costs in Germany over the weekend.This leads to a critical mass of people seeing the US as the world’s leading cancer, deflecting from the real perps.Given the state of the commentariat today, mission mostly accomplished. With the Fed pushing interest rates to the moon this will be even easier for people to believe.

  3. That this is happening after the US got major wins in the UK and Italy electing Truss and Meloni while the Fed starves global markets of dollars, the source of Davos’ real strength … Eurodollar futures and shadow banking.  See my articles about Draghi’s fall from July and Truss’s rise from last week.  Joe Biden’s called Truss to threaten her over Northern Ireland before she even sat down at 10 Downing Street. Tell me again who “Biden” works for if not Davos?

Let it be noted that when Luongo says the US got major wins, he is not talking about the “Biden” administration. He is talking about nationalism, populism and a belief in moral values.

For those who did not follow the Brexit deal, there is a provision in the Brexit agreement where the NI protocol is to expire in a couple of weeks. There was a two-year time limit on it and the UK could cancel it and the UK would be in charge of the border crossings.  Conversely, if the NI protocol remains in place, the EU will still set trade policy for the UK.  I doubt Biden was suggesting that Truss control the border.  He does not want to control our own border.

  1. In the short run, the neocons think they’ve won a big victory. In the long run, it seals Europe’s fate by crashing their markets so they can blame Russia and the US for their bankruptcy while defaulting and consolidating power in Brussels.Blowing up NS1 and NS2 is a brilliant tactical move, it takes options from Putin and leaves him with more military than economic options. Why does anyone think the EU and Davos don’t benefit from this since this is what they actually wanted, prolonged war with Russia. Or am I misreading EU Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen, EU Foreign Minister Josep Borrell and NATO Sec. General Jens Stoltenberg? Curious. In the long run this is a terrible strategic move because it now puts everyone’s infrastructure on the table. Everything is fair game now.

  2. France is happy to see this happen b/c bringing Germany down elevates them. Blackmailing the Italians is next on the flowchart… has to happen while Italy is in a gas deficit, i.e. Libya offline. France has been instrumental in cutting off Italy’s gas supply from N. Africa. There is no love loss between Italy and France. And EU sanctions keep Italy in gas deficit. With hostilities in Libya ending, gas will flow. So, destabilizing Italy’s financial markets now is paramount… or did no one see the blowout in BTP yields this week?

The EU will do everything possible to see to it that Italy’s new government crashes sooner rather than later.  The EU cannot afford to have other countries in Europe see Italy’s populism as a savior of liberty and freedom.

  1. The Neocons are Straussian in their thinking. Better to burn down everything rather than lose. I don’t agree with all of this article, but the basics are sound.Theirry Meyssan — org/article217976.…In short, the Neocons are not the only Straussians at this gaming table. Davos’ whole strategy is predicated on tearing down the old system, liquidating as many liabilities as possible (people, systems, debt, etc.) and then offering a new replacement at the depth of everyone’s despair.

One can see this going on with the current Ukraine situation.  Davos needs Ukraine as part of their strategy to take over Europe (and then eventually the world).  Europe must “fight to the death” to prevent Russia from becoming a scourge upon the planet.  Regardless of what western media says, Ukraine has lost.  They cannot sustain the offensive that they are currently engaged in at the behest of NATO.  NATO cannot sustain Ukraine.  They are running out of ammo and material.

  1. Europe’s only solution, said many times by Soros, is to default by issuing perpetual debt, consols, and rolling up all the political power in Europe to the EU Commission and the ECB. To do that you NEED a collapse of the German middle class.  With the ECB losing to the Fed over keeping rates low and going for MMT, 80% of the ECB’s balance sheet is at risk. The EU cannot function with a bankrupt ECB. The eurozone ceases to exist. President Lagarde is now losing control over internal bond spreads now that the BoE intervened.

It is very clear at this point that Jerome Powell, the Fed chairman, now controls US monetary policy.  The cries of “pivot, pivot, pivot” that one keeps hearing have fallen on deaf ears.  Powell has regained control from the European banks.  The ECB, that appears to be over-leveraged, will have to fight its own battles with a balance sheet that they created.  The US banking system will no longer act in concert with their needs.  The likelihood is something of a disaster for European finances.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has displayed her Davos credentials by screeching about this.  “Fed Chair Powell seems determined to push the economy over a cliff—even after he admitted rate hikes won’t lower key prices,” Warren tweeted.

Apparently, Warren missed the briefing on the fact that we are already in a recession and have been for some time.

  1. But you also need a scapegoat to focus German anger on otherwise you lose them. So, bring in the hyper-aggressive Yanks and the hated Russians. Perfect patsies for this operation. Turn Western Europe as anti-American as Eastern Europe is anti-Russian.The neocons have walked willingly into this trap. Russia was given the option surrender or fight. They chose to fight. 

  2. Turning the US into a global terrorist state in the minds of everyone is an attempt, lame as it may be, to stop capital outflow while the reset of Europe’s finances occurs.Only communists are so committed ideologically to their cause that they would threaten the world with nuclear blackmail in order to overthrow the only bastion of legal human rights superior to that of the State’s left in the world. I hate to break it to America’s haters but us getting our shit together is the world’s only real hope. It’s a thin hope, I realize. But the world is not made better by turning the US into a failed state like the same people I’m fingering today did to Russia after the USSR fell. But when you cheer on us Yanks ‘gettin’ what we deserve’ and apologizing for the crimes of Europe, you are cheering your own destruction.

  3. Hence, the US neocons likely blew up NS1 and NS2 but under the ‘guidance’ of Davos from within the “Biden” Junta. This is the nuanced take. Davos had the motive, means and opportunity to pull this off. So far, I’ve only presented why the neocons would have done this. Now, here’s why Davos is the real culprit.

  4. This was an act of war. No doubt. The UK and France have been trying to get NATO officially into a war with Russia since it moved into Syria… Remember the IL-20 ELINT shootdown?
    That was a French/UK op. that everyone else covered up.
    September 2018 a Russian ELINT plane is shot down over Syria. The official explanation is a complete fabrication. Reports of a missile fired from a French frigate offshore are memory-holed. Israel and Syria take the blame for the screw up which could have led to a NATO Article 5 if the Russians retaliated.We will simply not get the full story on this like we never got the real story about MH-17. But if Russia doesn’t respond overtly and whatever they do in parallel response “The US” doesn’t respond to, then back channels have been working to stop any further insanity. The relative silence from everyone tells me a third party ordered this and the primary victim/alleged aggressor are trying to hold things at bay.

  5. This pipeline explosion smells of a similar setup. The goal? Same as always. Get Russia to over-react, weaken Putin at home for being soft. Set the US and Russia on a path to open, not proxy, war.

  6. The same strategy is being employed with China/Taiwan. Reckless provocations to weaken Xi and get China to over-react to save face with the domestic population.Or did we miss the endless reckless provocations with China over the past 20 months?

For those who may have forgotten, on July 17, 2014 Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down by a surface-to-air missile as it passed over eastern Ukraine en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, killing all 298 people on board.  Most experts agree that the real story of this tragedy has never been revealed.

Interestingly, this was exactly 18 years after TWA-800 was shot down by a surface-to-air missile off the south shore of Long Island.  The likely cause of that incident was friendly fire with live weapons being conducted by the US Navy.  Whistleblowers are just beginning to come forward about this after 26 years.

Luongo gets into the why in #17.

  1. Why? Because if these folks are all fighting while Europe hunkers down and ‘rebuilds’ itself, then they are all weakened through war and relatively speaking the EU comes out of that coma to a more-level playing field.This point has been routinely misunderstood. This is a long-range projection of what the ultimate goal is. By the end of the decade Europe wants to be free of Russian energy, transitioned to a hydrogen/nuclear economy with digital money, no debt and a surveillance state it can leverage around the world. They want the same thing for the US and the UK Commonwealth, but the jury is definitely out as to whether they will achieve those goals in those places… that the third US faction I keep talking about, the NY Boys and the Fed, saying no to all of this.

  2. This is the plan. It’s stupid. It’s insane. But it’s clearly what’s on the table.The leaked RAND Report everyone was so hot and bothered about was pure psy-op to set up this latest atrocity.Even RAND was like. Okay, this is some serious Bellingcat/MI6 bullcrap.

This is the Davos crowd at work.  Keep in mind that the behind-the-curtain people in the Biden administration who are running things belong to this crowd.  Jerome Powell, the Fed chairman, is not there. He represents the New York bankers and they are not ready to submit to this insanity.  They would lose too much if they did so.  Powell seems determined to disconnect the dollar from the control of the Davos crowd.

  1. If you think this is far-fetched:Who directed everyone to lock down the world over a freaking flu?Who tried to bankrupt you for not getting the jab?Who is pushing for UBI, MMT and you owning nothing?It ain’t the Neocons and it ain’t Russia. And it ain’t the Fed either. 

  2. There are clearly forces resisting this insanity but it’s not clear as to whether they are winning or not. What is clear is that most people are done with globalists, but which globalists?

  3. This now opens up the possibility of the East Med Pipeline from Israel to Greece, which “Biden” took off the table earlier this year. Why? Davos wants us off oil and gas.Meaning, why did “Biden” pull the funding plug off of East Med? Because Davos told him no new pipelines into Europe. Davos also hates Israel, being a US/UK satellite. Realize that once you see the enmity between the Continent of European Colonial Powers and the UK/US and the former Warsaw Pact countries, you can’t unsee it. But, please continue to think it’s all just “one big club… and we ain’t in it.”

Seeing this brings one back to the old saw.  Once you see the marionette strings, you cannot unsee them.  And as Luongo notes, it is better to see factions as opposed to countries.  This clarifies what is going on.

22.  The bombing of NS1 and NS2 is as significant a red line being crossed as seizing Russia’s forex reserves.Both assets were considered ‘verboten.’  Not any more.

  • Who ordered that? Davos.
  • Who went along with that? The EU
  • Who’s putting more sanctions on Russia today? The EU

How can anyone seriously look at the last seven months and see the EU as a victim of US imperialism without seeing the imperial aspirations of the EU itself? I’m not saying anyone isn’t dirty here. They are all filthy and disgusting. But I am saying know what the real game is and what the real motivations are.
Because if you do that work you just might see some things that don’t comport with the simple view which fuels your anger and frustration, which, in the end, is just childish. The stakes are too high here.
FYI, the EU just put on an EIGHTH package of sanctions on Russia over the referenda in the now former territories of Ukraine. No outrage over the loss of NS1 and NS2. No furious statements about the heinous and cowardly attacks on public infrastructure serving the needs of real Europeans. No pearl clutching or hand wringing even over the immense amount of greenhouse gases being blown into the atmosphere. Just more vilification of the victim and nigh-endorsement of this act of terrorism.  
But, please, keep believing Europe is the victim of US aggression and not the complicity of your own leadership. 

23.  The point of this act was to freeze all pipeline construction worldwide.
If these assets are on the table, then nothing is off the table.
Do you really think it’s far-fetched to false flag something like this to achieve global dreams of control?   Who has those dreams?

If you look at this dispassionately, you know who and that’s why you know who ordered it, regardless of whose military operators put the bombs on the pipes.

The Davos crowd has created a very dangerous situation here.  This attack on infrastructure has allowed the administration to ramp up their propaganda about nuclear war.  Anyone who has two working brain cells realizes that some sort of response should be coming from Russia over this.  Biden’s handlers keep sending him out to prepare the people for a nuclear war that this administration is fomenting.  The question is why?

IMO this is another, albeit very dangerous, election campaign strategy.  They are trying to portray Biden as a courageous war time leader when in fact, he is having trouble reading off the teleprompter.  Biden seems to be relying more and more on note cards that he reads from directly.

With this approach they hope to salvage enough seats to prevent the complete strangling of whatever communist agenda they want to push through.  This can be seen in the ad hominem attacks being made on MAGA Republicans who are leading their respective Senate campaigns.

The election in November is critical for this country and for what might happen around the world.  The time to say “Enough!” is here.  No Democrat should be elected to office anywhere.