Nancy’s Bits

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Nancy Pelosi apparently is auditioning for a late-night comedy gig.  On Tuesday, November 8th,  as the mid-term elections were taking place, Pelosi said that the Democrats “never intended” for the J6 committee to be political.  “It was never intended as a political tactic.”  Pelosi refused to allow Republicans to seat their own committee members.

In this audition Pelosi is making up as many outlandish lies as she can to see how many people she can fool.  According to Pelosi, “It’s about seeking the truth.”  That would be the Josef Stalin version of the truth that is useful to the CommunistDemocratic Party.

Pelosi came up with another side-splitter when she said that she took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution (true) but “clearly our colleagues have abandoned on the other side of the aisle.”  Who is it that refused to have due process as part of the proceedings?  Who was it that turned the circus into a star chamber proceeding?

Nancy’s city, San Francisco, got in the comedy festivities.  Mayor London Breed (D) announced that the transgender community there will receive a guaranteed income from the city.  The Guaranteed Income for Trans People program (GIFT) uses taxpayer dollars to provide low-income transgender San Franciscans a $1,200 monthly stipend.

Those applying for the program can choose from 97 different genders and 18 preferred pronouns on the application paperwork, which must be submitted by Dec. 15.

The problem here is that this is an actual program for Nancy’s city.

Other late-night events have re-entered the news cycle.  Once again Nancy’s city is in the spotlight.  Newly revealed body-cam footage reportedly contradicts the DOJ’s account of the sequence of events that led up to the attack on Paul Pelosi, the husband of outgoing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.  It confirmed that Pelosi opened the door for the police officers who responded to the 911 call he placed from his residence.

It also stirs the pot about what was really going on there once again.  Was this a lover’s quarrel that got violent?

Who is throwing whom under the bus in Nancy’s city?