Not Guilty…Pay The Woman

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With a storyline that would never make it in Hollywood, A NYC jury found PDJT not guilty of rape in a civil case.  Then it awarded the moonbat woman who brought the out-of-this-world story $5 million because PDJT denied it.  Yes, you read that right.

The position of the jury must have been that something may have happened in possibly 1995 or 1996 but whatever may have happened was not rape.  No evidence exists that any of what the woman claimed ever took place.  There were no witnesses, no forensic evidence, no police report and no evidence that PDJT and the woman were ever in the same place at the same time.

Sundance notes:

However, the judge in the case permitted the presentation of possibility, then blocked President Trump from speaking about the case, and then instructed the jury to consider that Ms Carroll’s claims may have indeed taken place, at some point – although no evidence exists and no one knows when, not even Ms Carroll.

In any other situation this case would have been thrown out of court for being ridiculous. However, in the modern era where justice is metered by regional public opinion that is based on Lawfare and political motivation, we get this situation.

This is the Brett Kavanaugh situation all over again.  Make up a story, get some person with money to fund the process and let hounds loose to wreak chaos.

This Tweet encapsulates this.


A question.  Since the jury found the rape claims to not be credible, can PDJT sue the woman now for defamation?

Does any person in America have a chance at a fair trial?