American Media

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American media has become a laughingstock in the world of honest journalism.  They hand out Pulitzers now for stories that are fabrications from beginning to end.  This is done to sway the public that something real is there when, in reality, ghosts would have more substance.

Honest journalism inside of Big Media does not exist.  They’re not even trying anymore, and I wonder if they ever did.

Let’s take a look at the American political scene for examples.  And I will not be using PDJT although he would be a standout choice for this exercise.

The moment that someone from outside the elite political circles in Washington comes along, the media is there to mock, smear, and ridicule, so the country understands that this person is not allowed. This person is beneath any kind of polite consideration by the public.  Every interview done is hostile, if the media even acknowledges the candidate at all.

There were many examples during the last election cycle where many MAGA candidates had to fight an uphill battle just to get noticed.  Perhaps no more egregious example of this was the Senate race in Pennsylvania between Dr. Oz and stroke victim John Fetterman.  Dr. Oz was harried on all sides by the media while Fetterman was allowed to remain out of public view.  If honest journalism was at work, people in Pennsylvania would not be scratching their heads wondering how John Fetterman ever became a senator.

At least a third of the country takes its marching orders from the cues put out by Big Media. If the powerful say don’t listen to this person and prefer instead that person be mocked and denigrated, then mock and denigrate I shall!

Another example of this phenomenon harkens back to the Ron Paul days. Dr. Paul had significant influence among a section of the electorate particularly younger voters.  However, you wouldn’t know this unless you got your news from less traditional outlets.  Dr. Paul was so systematically ignored by the media that Jon Stewart once wondered aloud, “When did Ron Paul become the thirteenth floor in a hotel?”

The Republicans actually changed RNC convention rules to lessen Dr. Paul’s influence.  Did anyone in Big Media write a Pulitzer Award winning piece about that?

The Democrats have their own problem brewing in this area.  It will be interesting to see how Big Media will handle RFK, Jr.  RFK is widely seen in Democratic circles as a loose cannon.

RFK, Jr., is standing up not only to Big Pharma and its revolving-door relationship with the federal government, but he’s also taking aim at the foreign-policy establishment, the Deep State, and the censors.  He has come out and said publicly that the Democratic Party is not the party of his father’s time.  That they have lost their way and no longer represent everyday Americans.

So, right now, everyone in Big Media understands: get him.

Dr. Tom Woods notes:

When I consider RFK, I feel like the lefties who liked Ron Paul: in their opinion he was terrible on many things, but when he was good, he was better than anyone else. So yes, I’m disappointed that RFK doesn’t understand the Austrian School of economics, but right now I’m satisfied that there’s another major person on the national stage telling everyone what’s what.

And he’s extremely blunt. Will he endorse the eventual Democratic nominee? “No,” he said. A flat no. No evading the question. He says he couldn’t imagine supporting a candidate who favors the current Ukraine policy — another issue on which dissent is not tolerated.

A recent interview by someone named Krystal Ball is an example of how the media will attempt to marginalize RFK.

Ball: Let me ask you about vaccines. This is an area where you and I have significant differences. And, you know, just to level with you on this, I like a lot of what you say, I think you’re a very genuine person. But the across the board, whether you want to call it vaccine skepticism or anti-vax advocacy, which has been a central part of what you’ve been up to for the past number of years, for me personally it’s an issue and it’s a real sort of red line.

And I know I’m not alone in that, especially running in a Democratic primary; there are going to be other millions of people like me who have similar concerns. So how do you win them over? What’s your message to people who think like I do?

Notice what Ball does here.  She essentially calls RFK an anti-vaxxer.  This is like branding RFK with a scarlet letter that says that he does not belong in polite company.  RFK stands his ground and challenges Ball to point out the facts that indicate where he is wrong.

RFK, Jr.: But just tell me where you think I got it wrong.

Ball: Well, I think you get it wrong when you draw a correlation between the rise of things like autism and the introduction of vaccines when there isn’t hard scientific evidence tying those things together.

RFK, Jr.: Let me ask you this. How do you know there’s not hard scientific evidence?

Ball: Well, because the one major study that purported to show that was retracted and the scientists who conducted it was, you know, had was.

RFK: What you’re doing now basically – 

Ball: — fraudulently created –

RFK: No, no, no. Hold on. Hold on.

At this point Ball realizes she is in over her head.  Ball refers to another interview where RFK laid out the facts but she won’t allow that discussion to take place here.  Ball then pivots back to attacking RFK over the “central part of his advocacy.”  At the same time Ball throws in Dr. Fauci’s name to support her position.

Ball: I don’t want to get in a debate with you about this…. I’ve listened to hours of interviews with you with an open mind, and I’m not persuaded. Now, maybe I’m wrong. That’s possible. I’ll hold it out there. People can watch. I thought Megan Kelly did a phenomenal interview with you that went through all these claims piece by piece by piece. I really encourage people to watch that whole exchange because we won’t be able to do it justice here in the five minutes we have left. But there are going to be people like me who aren’t persuaded and who see this as an issue. And the fact that it’s been such a central part of your advocacy means I can’t just sort of put it to the side and say, Oh, well, I’ll just ignore this piece. That’s been really important to you in your life. So you’re running in a Democratic primary. You have a lot of people who feel even more strongly than me who think that, you know, Dr. Fauci is a hero and all of these things. How are you going to persuade them? How are you going to reach them? And what is your message to them?

RFK, Jr.: Well, first of all, I’m not leading with my opinions about vaccines. But what I say to people is, show me where I got it wrong. Show me that where I got my science wrong. I’ve written books about this. I wrote a book about link between thimerosal and autism that has, I think, 450 distilled scientific studies that confirm and validate that hypothesis and 1400 references. And if I got something wrong, show me where it is.

Ball: But I think people have shown you where things are wrong, but you don’t want to hear it is because I’ve seen, you know, numerous fact checks — Dr. Vinay Prasad, who we really respect on the COVID vaccine, he went through your interview with All In. He did a fact check –

RFK, Jr.: People have fact checked Vinay, and you should read that.

Ball: I will take a look at it. But I don’t think that it’s fair to say nobody has ever pointed out anything that’s been that’s been wrong.

Ball again attacks RFK personally to deflect attention from her own incompetence and lack of knowledge in the areas that she is discussing.  RFKm does not back down.

RFK, Jr.: …What you just said about me, that I’m sort of hard-headed and stubborn, I just won’t give in, you’re wrong about that. If somebody shows me where I’m wrong, I’m going to correct it.

We have the most probably the most robust fact-checking operation now in North America. I have 350 PhD scientists and MD physicians on, you know, PhDs Advisory Board, including until recently Luc Montagnier, who won the Nobel Prize for discovering the HIV virus. Chris Portier, who was the head of the national toxicity program at NIH, formerly probably the top toxicologist in America. And if I were saying things that were scientifically unsound, those people would not stay with us.

What I would say to you is, show me where I got it wrong. Show me a study that where I got wrong and I will change my position. You know, science is fluid. It’s not an embarrassment to me. If there’s a new scientific study that I haven’t seen that comes out and says I’m wrong, that’s what you’re supposed to do with science. But what I’m saying to you, nobody has done that….

While I doubt that Ball recognized this, what RFK has done here is to define the scientific method and how it is supposed to work.  This is something that is learned in grade school and high school.

The correlation between the rise in the incidence of autism and the increasing number of jabs that toddlers and young children receive is there.  Ball again realizes that she is out of her depth and tries to deflect attention away from this issue by attacking RFK.

No Big Media person is going to want to find Big Pharma demanding the severance of such individual from employment inside Big Media.  Too much money flows into Big Media’s coffers from the advertising that Big Pharma does.

Then they get to the subject of the Covid shots.

Once again Ball comes off as someone who is just parroting points off a summary sheet that she herself does not comprehend.

RFK, Jr.: Well, you know, I don’t think the vaccine worked. If you think it worked, then try to explain to me why the countries that were unvaccinated did much better…

Ball: We have a lot of data that shows that in terms of reducing severe hospitalization and death, the vaccines were really important and maybe there was a cost-benefit analysis.

RFK, Jr.: I want to see that data. I know that’s what the industry says.

Ball: There is lots of data and not just from here, from around the world that shows the vaccine doses and not just our vaccines, but ones that were created all around the world, reduce severe hospitalization and death. So in that way, yes, I do very much believe that they were –

RFK, Jr.: Let me tell you something. What I believe you’re doing now is parroting what the public health agencies have been saying, but they do not have a scientific basis for that. And I have another book out that you should look at called Died Suddenly that goes through all the Johns Hopkins data, which is the dashboard data that everybody used and shows exactly what happened…. The Case Western study is probably the largest, most recent [one, and it] shows that at most the vaccine gives you a very, very small amount of protection and that after seven months you go into negative efficacy. So if you got vaccinated, you’re more likely to get sick, you’re more likely to get severe illness and you’re more likely to die than if you are unvaccinated.

Ball: I have not seen that. I have seen study after study that shows the opposite. Listen, I don’t want to get bogged down in this because I don’t think we’re going to see eye to eye here….

Once again Ball attempts to wriggle away from a discussion that she is ill-equipped to handle.  Ball never offers specific refutations of anything RFK said.  She resorted to personal attacks to shift the debate,

I do think that RFK could have turned the tables further if he had asked Ball a question like “Does the fact that millions of people died when effective treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were suppressed concern you?”

Dr. Woods notes:

I for one have had enough of barely letting people speak because they have an unapproved opinion. Why, don’t you know that all the respectables think X, and you think Y? Well, yes, because the “respectables” have made a mess of the country and the world, and I’m not at all embarrassed to differ from them.
