Procedural Mistake?

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Was Jack Smith in such a hurry to provide a smokescreen for the corruption being exposed in the Capitol Building that he failed to understand the doors he was opening for PDJT?  Did Jack “Laventiy Beria” Smith just open the door for a full on display of all the indicators that the 2020 election had massive fraud?  Smith has filed criminal charges of fraud.  Smith must prove that the election was not stolen and that PDJT knew that the election was not stolen.  I won’t get into the freedom of speech issues here, just the aspects of the fraud charges.  I also will not delve into the fact that the Supreme Court by an 8-0 vote overturned a conviction where Smith had used the same theory of the crime.

To my knowledge, no court has ruled on any evidence concerning fraud in the 2020 election.  All cases were dismissed on procedural grounds.  Of course, the Democrats used each dismissal as proof that there was no fraud when actually no court made such a ruling.  Have the Democrats been listening to their own lies so long that they actually believe them?

Let’s take a closer look at the most recent sham indictment.

This is a criminal matter not a civil one.  As such, the government now has to prove a negative (it will probably try to rely on the certification by Congress), but President Trump has key constitutional rights not available in a civil case.

The 6th Amendment gives PDJT the right to confront and cross-examine his accusers.  PDJT has the right to subpoena witnesses in his defense and he has the right to present expert witnesses in his defense.

Will the DOJ try to pull another Devon Archer move and attempt to silence potential witnesses by threatening prosecutions and/or jail time? US Magistrate Judge Moxila Upadhyaya warned Trump against witness tampering as part of his release conditions.  Will the DOJ also be so warned?

Will the DOJ leak Trump’s witnesses’ names to Big Media so that Big Media can smear them?  In the current weaponized environment of the DOJ, this is a distinct possibility.  Will the judge deny PDJT his basic rights and turn the proceeding into a star chamber one?

Assuming that PDJT will be allowed to present evidence, PDJT can:

  • Call any number of experts to demonstrate how easily hacked the Dominion machines really are
  • Subpoena and examine the SLOGS in all five states that ceased operations at 10:30 p.m.
  • Call and examine the Georgia election officials who lied about the water leak
  • Call the Congress people who were prepared to present objections to the certification of the election as witnesses in his defense
  • present the geocaching data for 2000 Mules
  • Use the Fractal system to show clear evidence of fraudulently registered voters in real time.

I could go on and on.

All of this evidence can be introduced legally as part of the defense against the charges.  That brings up the next question.  Will the trial be televised?  I predict that the government will move to prevent that.  The government will not want PDJT’s defense to give the whole country a guided tour into how their elections have been corrupted for a long time.

This raises one last question.  Why did Jack Smith do this?