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After a career spent being constantly outclassed in the intelligence department, Vice President Kamala Harris enjoyed finally being the smartest person in the room during her appearance on ABC’s The View.

“My, my, my how the turntables have… done what they have done,” Harris said as she presided over a room full of her intellectual inferiors for the first time. “As bearers of knowledge, we must know and bear the type of knowledge that carries around the world to other carriers and bearers of knowledge. It is only at that time that we will know our knowledge. Knowledge is knowing things.”

It has been noted that the View’s translators are still trying to parse all that the VP was trying to impart.

The NYPost reported:

A swarm of Pro-Palestinian supporters shouted “f–k Joe Biden” slogans as they nearly ripped down a reinforced fence outside the White House during a charged protest Saturday night.

Non-essential personnel were evacuated from the area as a precaution as the aggressive demonstration ramped up, the Secret Service confirmed.

Video shows the crowd shaking the fence so viciously that a section of it became partially dislodged while a horde of Secret Service police pushed back to keep the ralliers from entering the grounds.

“Ralliers?”  These were rioters who were only stopped from entering and destroying the White House by Secret Service personnel.  Were any arrests made?  Don’t be silly.  These were leftists who were rioting.  Wouldn’t want any of them to be housed in the gulag where the J6 political detainees are being denied their rights as American citizens.

How different it was from January 6’s protest at the Capitol. Not only did the FBI sweep everyone up but it used facial recognition to get people who were outside the capitol.  The FBI has spent millions to track down and arrest people who were never in Washington.

Andrea Widburg reports:

Mutiny is on the menu should Trump win again. That’s according to an allegedly “secret” plan, that’s being widely trumpeted on NBC News, for the military to refuse to follow orders from Trump. Part of this is pre-election posturing, but part of this is entirely consistent with the post-Obama military, up to and including the execrable Mark “White Rage” Milley.

Instead of a peaceful transition of power, they plot to intimidate Trump appointees and stop any and all action by him. It will be 2017 all over again.