After Trump’s big win in the Iowa Caucuses, Rachel Maddow of MSNBC declared that her network would not air Trump’s remarks, saying, “There is a cost to us as a news organization of knowingly broadcasting untrue things.”
Stop the presses! At last, Maddow speaks the truth. MSNBC spent four solid years promoting the Russia collusion hoax and every other anti-Trump conspiracy they could find. Nothing was out of bounds for them. While Maddow may have fattened her wallet by pushing anti-Trump lunacy on her show five nights a week, MSNBC took a nose dive in ratings. It wasn’t as bad as CNN, but it still hurt the bottom line.
The video below is a brief but excellent review of a few of the many times MSNBC has knowingly broadcast lies.
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The jig is up. Americans are not buying what Maddow is selling.
MSNBC to Americans: “We can’t let you hear what Trump says because (1) he might say something untrue, and (2) Americans can’t discern truth from falsehood.”
Americans to MSNBC: “You air Biden’s speeches unfiltered! Do you think we’re all imbeciles?”
MSNBC to Americans: “Yes.”
— Mike Lee (@BasedMikeLee) January 16, 2024
Big Media (and at the moment that includes MSNBC) is just a mouthpiece for the Communists Democrats. MSNBC is an entertainment outlet similar to the titillating “newspapers” that used to populate the checkout areas of grocery stores years ago. It is little more than a gossip column that drops words like democracy, insurrection, Russia collusion to titillate its viewers.
MSNBC never airs a full segment of a Trump speech or any populist opinions. MSNBC only reports that Trump and/or other conservatives spewed hateful lies full of racist dog whistles, etc. When they do include an actual quote, they tell viewers what the “real” meaning is.
Maddow is the poster child for the DNC. She has no shame or sense of embarrassment. Hypocrisy is unknown to her and all leftists. One thing we have all learned in our lives is that when someone says “Trust me” we know we are about to be lied to. Maddow does this all the time.
However, it is nice to know that every once in a while, the truth slips through.