Journalism vs Propaganda

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Glenn Greenwald is not a conservative, not even close in fact, but he is an honest journalist.  During a recent panel discussion for Zero Hedge, Greenwald absolutely destroyed the Democrat/media narrative about January 6th being an attempted coup or insurrection.

Greenwald uses logic and the true definition of words to systematically dismantle every claim of the left. It’s just brutal.

Someone clipped Greenwald shredding all the points made by the Krassensteins and Destiny, aka Steven Kenneth Bonnell, a video game streamer.  This was done by photoshopping bruises and cuts on their faces every time Greenwald delivered a counterpunch.

In Turkey on July 15th, 2016, it was an “attempted coup!” that installed Erdoğan, an Islamic fascist.

In Hong-Kong in 2020 it was an “insurrection!” and a “threat to democracy!” that made Hong-Kong into a Communist vassal state ruled by China.

On January 6th, 2021 in the United States of America, it was an “insurrection!” and a “threat to democracy!” that installed what we are now learning is a corrupt Maoist regime.

On January 8th, 2022 in Brazil, it was an “insurrection!” and a “threat to democracy!” that forced the president of that country to flee to America, replaced by a Marxist regime.

On January 29, 2022 in Canada, the Freedom Convoy was an “attempted overthrow” of the government and a “threat to democracy!” that made Ottawa a Marxist police state.

Notice any kinda pattern?  All of these were propaganda hits.  The Left is great at co-opting words and using them to scare people.  Urgency is part of the plan.  No time for an inquiry, no time to debate, moving too slowly is unpatriotic. I must be granted emergency powers because it’s an emergency!

Any resistance to this approach will result in the cancel culturists salivating at ending a person’s peaceful existence.

Thank goodness for Glenn Greenwald.