Vice President

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More and more discussion is surfacing about who will be PDJT’s potential running mate.   As many have noted, there needs to be a MAGA successor to PDJT in 2028.  How Trump wound up with Pence is unclear but Pence has turned out to be just another politician in the UniParty.

The American people deserve someone who will have a chance to continue to right the ship after PDJT completes his second term.  The Dutchman has some interesting insights into the process.

Almost as interesting as WHO he chooses, is how he navigates around the RNC, who we have all seen from back in the cheap seat, nosebleed section will be the RINOS attempting to stick him with a Pence.

Obviously, anyone acceptable to the RNC (which do not kid yourself PDJT does not “own” its STILL a hostile takeover) is automatically unacceptable to PDJT, and vice versa.

The thing is, despite the Parties, with MSM help, perpetrating the myth of the nominee “picking” their running mate, the reality (right there in the bylaws) is that the Party has final say on WHO can run on any ballot, AS a Republican, and THAT gives them veto power over the VP selection.

He might try first naming someone SO outrageous to the RNC, that his second pick (who he really wants) seems ‘tame’ by compsrison.

The RNC KNOWS that his VP will be the heavy favorite for Potus, in 2028, and they DO NOT want that person to be MAGA, for the same reason PDJT DOES want it to be.

I think PDJT didn’t NEED 64D Chess, to forsee the requirement for an “Insurance Policy” VP, and ditto for his Swamp nemesis, Mitch Machievellian McConnell.

I therefore found it particularly relevant that the bribe offer to Kari Lake, was traced back to McCONNELL, and it was ”not to run for ANY political office in 2024″.

Mitch isn’t worried about Kari in the Senate as a SENATOR, where she would only be 1 of 100, and Mitch has all sorts of ways to neuter her influence,…

So, WHY else the unlimited bribe offer, other than Mitch realizes just how much the plan to hamstring if not remove PDJT, DEPENDS on an acceptable to the Uniparty VP.

Now this is not intended to endorse any particular candidate nor to argue against one.  It is intended to show the complexities faced while trying to return the country to the people.  It is also to highlight the corruption that PDJT will face assuming he wins in November.