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New Jersey may not be as deep blue as New York City and California.  However, the state walked in lockstep with those states in taking away people’s freedoms during the “pandemic.”

According to officials in New Jersey, President Trump’s rally in Wildwood on Saturday was attended by over 100,000 people.  This makes this political rally the largest “single purpose” political rally ever held.

Let’s be reminded that usually large political rallies combine well-known entertainers and the political candidate.  Obama and Hillary Clinton were famous for having big name Hollywood celebrities help to draw in significant crowds.

Sundance notes:

However, in the era of President Donald Trump he stands alone as the single entity able to draw such a following to his political rallies, speeches and events.  During yesterday’s Wildwood New Jersey rally, former NFL superstars Lawrence Taylor and O.J. Anderson of NY Giants speak for Trump.

It looks like the next tactic in the Marxist playbook is beginning to surface.  A number of losers commented on the “racist” nature of this endorsement.  It would appear that PDJT will be painted as a racist because he has famous blacks supporting his candidacy.  When will the FBI be knocking down the doors of LT and OJ Anderson because of their defection from the ranks of Democrat voters?

For decades, the Democrat Party has counted on the black vote to maintain political power. Now famous black people and many others, who are waking up to the Marxist empty promises, are using their influence with the black voters to change that narrative.

How is this racist?  Where’s the hypocrisy? I say it is good politics. Taking the once coveted, taken for granted, black vote away from the crazy Democrats and straight into the MAGA camp is a plus. What’s the down side?

The MAGA coalition is an astounding number of people from all ages, races, and ethnicities.  MAGA is unifying Americans of all races into a coalition that is reversing the woke BS the Kenyan great divider set into motion with his “Fundamental Transformation of America”.

MAGA has to have political power to reverse all the damage that has been happening since the 1960’s.  The coalition must reach across all different groups of people.

Black people like Trump, White people like Trump.  Cuban, Puerto Rican, Venezuelan people like Trump. Asian people like Trump. Guess what, people of all races and creeds like him, because he cuts through the BS and cares about our country.

That’s why he’s so dangerous to the establishment.

President Trump, above any other president, deserves not only a victory, but a landslide in the 2024 race. Such an election victory would mark a paradigm shift in American presidential politics, arguably one greater in significance than FDR’s or Ronald Reagan’s wins. The stakes are high in this cycle. An electoral mandate will give President Trump the political capital he needs to swiftly implement his agenda, hopefully with fewer roadblocks than his first administration.  This is needed in order to lay the foundation for what will be a generational movement to Make America Great Again.

Is New Jersey in play in November?