Biden Gets Tough With China

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This is a joke, of course.  China has way too much money invested in this administration for this administration to take any meaningful steps against China’s drive towards world dominance.

The NYTimes has been reporting [SEE HERE] that Joe Biden is likely to trigger massive tariffs against imported Electric Vehicles (EVs) from China, due to the subsidized cost of Chinese production.

On Tuesday, Joe Biden announced a series of tariffs against China in the EV industry. [SEE HERE]

This is total BS.  If one reads the announcement carefully, these are tariffs on goods MADE IN CHINA.  China is not going to make EV’s for the US market in China.  Chinese auto manufacturers, MG, BYD, and Chery are in the process of moving North American auto manufacturing to Mexico, specifically to make EVs.  Each company is investing billions in doing this.

This tariff announcement is a farce.  Under current USMCA rules, these vehicles would then enter the country duty free.  This “tariff” will do nothing to protect the American auto industry.  These Chinese EV factories are just a small part of the “trillions at stake” which define the opposition to PDJT in the White House.

Blackrock runs the economic policy of the current administration.  In fact, it might be said that Blackrock runs the White House.  Brian Deese (Blackrock) runs the National Economic Council.  Tom Donilon’s wife, Catherine Russell, is White House personnel director.  This makes her responsible for all White House hires.  Donilon, of course, is Blackrock chairman.  Eric Van Nostrand joined Treasury Department as senior adviser on economic issues.  Van Nostrand was a managing director at Blackrock.  And there are many others.

Of course, Blackrock is heavily invested in the three Chinese companies that stand to make billions by flooding the American market with cheap, disposable EV’s.  This will just be another jackboot of economic destruction unleashed in the “Radical Transformation of America” started by the Kenyan divider.

Is there another facet to this fake tariff play?  After a bit of time, will the media try to spin China as “interfering” in our elections to help Trump?  Will the media point to this farce of tariffs as “evidence” of Biden’s tough on Chine approach that is causing Chine to interfere?  When will Chris Wray of the FBI be paraded out to Capitol Hill to give evidence of China trying to collude with PDJT to “steal” the elction?