Highlights & Lowlights

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Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley went on a racist rant against white men on the House floor on Wednesday.

Was she talking about the current occupant of the White House?

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre blamed Trump and the Covid pandemic when a reporter asked why Joe Biden lied about inflation being 9% when he took office in January 2021.

Biden has falsely claimed more than once that inflation was 9% when he took office. It was 1.4% in January 2021.

In the Orwellian 1984 world that Biden exists in, up is down and lies are truth.  And, of course, 9% was fake.  It was a lot more than that.  Ask anyone who shops for groceries.

Valentina Gomez, a GOP candidate for Secretary of State in Missouri, is a firebrand who ignores the politically correct mores.

Groomers beware if she is elected.

Illegal aliens need to find another state to sponge off the public if she is elected.

It used to be this way in this country as well.  The Peruvian government has taken a firm stand on the issue of gender identity. A new decree, signed by President Dina Boluarte, has officially classified transsexualism, nonbinary, and intersex conditions as “mental illnesses.”

This step by the Peruvian government is an affirmation of biological truths that most people know.  Anyone who seriously believes they are of the opposite sex from their DNA needs to be evaluated by a mental health professional.

Bidenomics strikes again.  Popular seafood chain Red Lobster has begun the process of closing nearly 127 locations in 27 states, according to reports.

As of Tuesday, the Red Lobster website listed the affected locations as “closed,” according to a report by Fox 59. States including California, Florida, New York, Iowa, and Illinois were among those hit by the unexpected closures.

Red Lobster could file for bankruptcy protection as early as next week, The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.

People familiar with the matter told the Journal that the company, overwhelmed with hundreds of millions in debt, plans to file a Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition in Orlando before Memorial Day.

Another victim of Bidenomics.

The US housing market continues to stagger under the load of increasing mortgage payments.  Median US mortgage payments have hit another record high of $2,894. Only three years ago, in 2021, these were around $1,600.

Another predicted result of the unlimited spending of this administration.