Another Proxy War?

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Is the West trying to overthrow the government of Georgia because the Georgian legislature is trying to pass legislation that would require companies getting more than 20% of their revenue from foreign sources to disclose this?

Georgia is a small country on the east coast of the Black Sea.  To the north is Russia and to the south and west are Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Georgia has proposed a “foreign agents” law.  The proposed law is to ensure there is transparency when an organization or media company receives more than 20% of its revenue from outside the country.  If a company does breach this threshold, then it has to register as “organizations serving the interests of foreign power”.

This seems reasonable to me.  Doesn’t America have a similar law known as FARA?  Don’t most western countries have such laws?

Demonstrations have broken out in Tbilisi, the capital, over this law.  Is this following the script from Ukraine?  Sow chaos and get rid of a government that is not completely aligned with the globalists in the West.

Georgian Prime Minister, Irakli is alleging that the US had supported two attempted “color” revolutions in his country.

Spoke to [US Counselor of the Department of Sate, Derek Chollet] and expressed my sincere disappointment with the two revolution attempts of 2020-2023 supported by the former US Ambassador and those carried out through NGOs financed from external sources. Had these attempts been successful, the second front line would have been opened in Georgia. 

Besides, I explained to Mr. Chollet that false statements made by the officials of the US State Department about the transparency bill and street rallies remind us of similar false statements made by the former US Ambassador in 2020-2023, which served to the facilitation of violence from foreign funded actors and to the support of revolutionary processes back then. 

Recently the Prime Minister alleged that the EU tried to blackmail him over the new law.  In what Kobakhidze called a “horrific threat,” the EU official in question had referenced a recent assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, and told him to “be very careful.”

This sounds an awful lot like “We are the controlling interests in your country  and things could go very bad for you and your country if you ignore us.”

Just how desperate are the globalists in the West getting?