Alito Should Be Arrested

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The campaign against Justice Alito over flying flags at his home is being ratcheted up.  Several more instances of flying flags that represent extremist fringes of the population have been discovered.

The latest discovery is that the Alito home flew a Pine Tree flag (also known as the Appeal to Heaven flag) several times during 2023.  The flag was a popular regional New England flag and was used to muster troops during the American Revolution before Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes. The flag served as partial inspiration for liberty trees and liberty poles.

The flag has been seen at various protests associated with many causes over the years.  Despite this, the NYTimes is using the association by some with the “Stop The Steal” movement to try to smear Alito and get him to recuse himself from the Fisher v US case.  That case revolves around the novel use of a law designed for preventing obstruction of evidence against the J6 protesters for walking through the Capitol Building.

However, according to the Bee, these are not the only extremist flags that have been seen flying there.  Several more radical perhaps even terrorist flags have flown there.

The flag below represents the fringe idea that this country represents freedom and liberty.  Such extremist ideas are an anathema to those currently in power.  No Supreme Court justice should ever support such ideas.

The next flag is literally the flag of a rebellion against an established government.  For a Supreme Court justice to fly such a flag is horrifying.

The next flag shows that Alito is bigoted against non-whites.  This is just awful that any justice of the Supreme Court would display such obvious bigotry.

Speaking of bigotry, the next flag is even worse showing a hatred of gay people.

The last flag is literally the emblem of a terrorist organization and has no place in polite society.

Forget about the Supreme Court, clearly Alito should not be a member of civil society.  When will the FBI be knocking down his front door with a pre-dawn raid?