Brace Yourself

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Victor Davis Hanson (VDH) is an American classicist, military historian, and conservative political commentator. He has been a commentator on warfare and contemporary politics for The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, National Review, The Washington Times, and other media outlets.

He is a professor emeritus of Classics at California State University, Fresno, the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow in classics and military history at the Hoover Institution, and visiting professor at Hillsdale College.

Hanson walks through the fear of the entire political left.  This fear exists because they have been unable to destroy PDJT and everything he represents.

This video is well worth ten minutes of your time.

Sundance reminds us often that the need for control is a reaction to fear.  What we see in Washington is that need for control because they are extremely fearful of losing power.  If this happens, they believe that they will become subject to the laws of the land.  And they cannot allow that.

People who peacefully protest against the ideologies of the left are arrested, indicted and jailed for made up crimes.

The J6 persecutions are all about silencing those who would speak out against the Left.  They invented a way to make the crime of trespassing (if that was what really happened…How can one be trespassing when invited in by the Capitol Police?) an act of insurrection.  They have been kept in jail for years for the act of trespassing without bringing them to trial.  The idea here was to force a guilty plea so that those people could get on with their lives.

The DOJ is going after people who protest the killing of children.  Grandmothers who were entirely peaceful are being given sentence of 4, 5, 6 years.  Again the message here is do not speak out against the ideologies of the Left.

Catholics who attend the traditional Latin Mass are being labelled as subversives and are being surveilled by the FBI.  Why?  Because these Catholics think for themselves.  That is not allowed in a communist society.

Parents who object to the CRT and DEI curriculum of their local schools are also coming under the watchful eye of the FBI.  A communist dictatorship cannot allow for their indoctrination of kids to be interrupted by parents.

Where is all this going?  Some say what will happen cannot be any worse than what has already happened.  I disagree.  I side with VDH when he says “Brace yourself.”  There’s increasingly more visibility to the evil we face.

It is important for the good to stand up and break evil into fragments. Their coalition of evil is highly volatile and they will lose everything once they are out of power. They are puffed up by money and a monopoly of the media, academia, and increasingly corporate allies.   That could all go away with good overcoming evil in November. Once that happens, evil will be in the wilderness for a generation.

The focal point of this war is Donald Trump.  What Trump has in him is unique, and clearly bestowed on him by God for this time in history.

Trump’s tremendous strength in the face of extreme adversity and danger is astonishing.

The Apostles after Pentecost had extraordinary strength and commitment. They were totally fearless.

Trump is fearless too.

However, we cannot underestimate the anti-American forces who control so many aspects of our government right now.  Only two things currently stand in their way, PDJT and a Supreme Court that has enough constitutionalists on it to thwart some of the insane things the Left wants to happen.  Remain vigilant and call out evil when you see it.