Odds & Ends

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The attacks on Christianity continue.  Since the 1960s, the Knights of Columbus have held a Memorial Day event at the Poplar Grove National Cemetery in Petersburg, VA.

For the last two years, however, The National Park Service (NPS) has refused permission for the event due to a new policy prohibiting “religious services” and calling the ceremony to honor this nation’s fallen heroes a “demonstration.”

This is being challenged in court.  Roger Byron, Senior Counsel at First Liberty, stated, “The National Park Service is way out of line.  This is the kind of unlawful discrimination and censorship RFRA and the First Amendment were enacted to prevent.  Hopefully the court will grant the Knights the relief they need to keep this honorable tradition alive.”

This hate for Christianity has always been present.  The Light Bringer tried to limit religion to the insides of churches.  Now it looks like the left believes that crap and that no one will stop them from their crusade to erase religion from the public sphere.

The civil war begins.  Leftists got violent and flipped over Team Trump’s tables outside of a venue in Philadelphia hosting Kamala Harris.

Joe Biden went off-script during an interview with a Spanish-language radio station and admitted the real reason why he’s allowing millions of illegal aliens to invade the US.

“It’s even a bigger influx now in terms of Hispanic voters! Err, Hispanic citizens,” Biden said.


Satire Warning…from the Babylon Bee

Prosecutors in the trial against former president Donald Trump offered star witness Michael Cohen $130,000 if he would keep his big mouth shut for a while.

“Every time Cohen talks, it totally ruins our case…” Prosecutor Susan Hoffinger told the press. “I mean, he’s totally legitimately trustworthy, completely. Totally. But sometimes he sort of has this knack for completely undermining the entire credibility of our totally and completely airtight case against Trump. So we’re just going to go ahead and slide him a little ‘please shut up’ money.”

No doubt they are doing this to save democracy.  Has Cohen been trying to sabotage the case against Trump?

An update on Biden’s brain.

Safeway has announced that it is removing self-checkout from certain California stores due to increasing theft.  This is Bidenomics at work.

The changes will predominantly be in the Bay Area, specifically Oakland. Several stores in San Francisco and Emeryville have already had the kiosks removed.

“Operational changes have been made at select stores throughout the Bay Area given the increasing amount of theft,” Safeway said in a statement provided to local station KTVU.

The Democratic response to this is to introduce legislation requiring the stories to assign more staff to self-checkout areas.  Really!  Just how stupid are these people in office?