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Nearly 80% of Americans now consider fast food a ‘luxury’ due to high prices.

Has a trip through the drive-through become an extravagance? The vast majority of Americans say so. A recent survey conducted by LendingTree found 78% of consumers now consider fast food to be a “luxury” purchase due to how expensive the meals have become.

75% percent of those surveyed stated fast food should be cheaper than eating at home, but most say that is not the case. Nearly a quarter of Americans  say a meal at a fast-food restaurant costs more than at a traditional sit-down restaurant.

Columnist Dan O’Donnell wrote in a blog post on Thursday that prices on “basic items like McDonald’s cheeseburgers and Chick-fil-A nuggets have risen as much as 200% in less than five years.

Another example of Bidenomics at work.

US job postings continue to decline.  Pretty soon the number of new jobs coming available may dip to the level seen during the COVID-19 panic.

More evidence of the success of Bidenomics.

Is the Biden administration trying to open another front in the war with Russia?

Recent events in the country of Georgia over a bill aiming to curtail foreign influence in their internal matters indicate that another Ukraine may be in the making.

There has been a drive to mislead Georgians about the bill which will require businesses that get more than 20% of their funding from foreign governments and media outlets to disclose such.

Georgia shares a border with Russia.  Just as they did in 2014 in Ukraine, Washington and Brussels would like to install a government in Georgia that would be more compliant to their wishes.  Another CIA-led coup in progress?

The Trump show trial has fooled no one. This is blatant political persecution.  Joe Biden’s smirk when ask this questioned confirms what most people know.

Many commentators have pointed out at length the flaws in how this case was handled. This ranges from ‘flagrant violations’ by the prosecution during the trial to bizarre rulings from the judge, including blocking a witness who could have exonerated Trump from the charge of federal election violation.

Even the very premise of the case – that categorizing hush-money payments to his lawyer as ‘legal expenses’ was not only illegal, but also a felony – was patently absurd.

The utter ridiculousness of the charges is seen in this.

President Trump was found guilty of 11 felonies for receiving invoices in the mail or in his email. This is the equivalent of an American being found guilty of a felony for receiving their electric bill in the mail.

It is likely that no one in history other than President Trump has ever been charged with a felony for receiving an invoice from a vendor. Trump has no control over the receipt of invoices.

The state’s case was that: ‘An agreement Mr. Trump struck with the National Enquirer to buy and bury unflattering stories was a “subversion of democracy.”

The case itself is one of the most obvious attempts to subvert democracy and interfere in an election in American history.  It is a covert war on the working class in America.

The Biden campaign is doing so poorly that they needed a “conviction” so that they can run ads calling PDJT a “convicted felon.”  At this point, only the most low-information members of the public will fall for this ruse.