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The Jacobins were the most influential political club during the French Revolution of 1789. The period of its political ascendancy includes the Reign of Terror, during which well over 10,000 people were put on trial and executed in France, many for political crimes.  Today Jacobins denote supporters of extensive government intervention to transform society.

America has its own version of Jacobins.  As Jack Cashill has noted:

America has developed its own increasingly faithless elite, one that eerily mimics the French Jacobins. Thinking themselves wiser than the God, these new Jacobins have set out to “fundamentally transform” America in their own light.

In France the Reign of Terror was designed to end the old order.  That was headed by a king and nobility supported by the clergy.  The new globalist Jacobins must end a nationalistic America in order to impose a new world order.  Faith, family, and the inalienable rights bestowed on us by our Creator stand in the way of these Jacobins.

Victor Davis Hanson crystalized the American Jacobin’s way of thinking: “We are morally superior to the old America. This is a new America, and that gives us the right to use any means necessary to achieve a morally superior end.”  (emphasis added).

Their reign of terror has begun.  The persecution of the J6 protesters is just one of the more obvious examples of this.

Let’s start with the question of how many people have died as a result of the actions of these Jacobins?  Ashli Babbitt and Roseann Boylan were the first two casualties.  Babbitt was gunned down by the US Capitol Police (USCP) officer Michael Byrd.  Byrd was never interviewed regarding his actions.

According to Julie Kelly, Roseann Boylan was beaten to death by Capitol Police just outside “a tunnel on the lower west side of the Capitol building.”  Again, no investigation of this egregious use of force was ever made public.

Jack Cashill has noted:

A fifty-six-year-old father of five, Kevin Greeson, collapsed after a Capitol Police flash bang exploded in his face. Retired Marine Sergeant Victor Mellor captured the moment on his cell phone.  Greeson would soon die of cardiac arrest.

Why were flash bangs being fired into a peaceful albeit noisy crowd?  And why were rubber bullets fired into that crowd with the police aiming at protesters’ heads?

How many of the people who may have trespassed in the Capitol Building are still incarcerated awaiting trial because they refuse to accept a plea deal and plead to something that they did not do?  For most of the people arrested in one of the most sweeping and terrifying use of the FBI, the process is the punishment.  This is a most obvious attempt to tell America, “Shut up or you are next!”

January 6th was used as a trigger against patriotic Americans in our military.  Tucker Carlson said accurately:

“On the basis of a wholly created myth about what happened that day, the Biden Pentagon conducted an unprecedented political purge of the entire U.S. military. The FBI and various intel agencies increased their control over the American media and most obviously, the DOJ has been allowed to prosecute and jail hundreds of nonviolent political protesters whose crime was having the wrong opinions.”

The Jacobins are here in America and are in control of our government.  They will not relinquish that control easily.  How many people will die under the heels of their jackboots?