Lawfare Blasted

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An interesting story has emerged from the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.  The 11th Circuit handles appeals from courts that currently include Judge Cannon’s court that is handling the Mar-a-Lago documents case.

The lawfare leadership of Norm Eisen, Mary McCord, Andrew Weissmann and other members of the Lawfare community have been waging an open media campaign against Florida Judge Aileen Cannon because, in the Jack Smith documents case, Judge Cannon is not giving them what they want.

In essence, Chief Judge William Pryor has told the lawfare people who are trying to cancel Judge Cannon to go “take a hike” or perhaps something more profane.  Judge Pryor, of course, used polite legal language to convey this message.

The lawfare crew has not been getting what they want from Judge Cannon.  This has caused them to become unhinged.

So TDS suffers are now giving classes on how to conduct lawfare.

Since May 16,2024, the Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals for the
Eleventh Circuit has received over 1,000 judicial complaints against Judge Cannon that
raise allegations that are substantially similar to the allegations raised in previous
complaints. These complaints appear to be part of an orchestrated campaign, as
described in Judicial-Conduct Rule 10(b) and the accompanying commentary.

Sundance notes:

It’s somewhat personal to the Lawfare crew because from the outset it has appeared that Eisen, McCord and Weissmann write the briefs and motions that Jack Smith files with the court.  If the Lawfare effort is being rejected, dismissed or diluted by Judge Cannon, the Lawfare tribe takes it personal and make appearances on leftist media networks, broadcasts and social media telling their followers to file judicial complaints against her.

Fake ethics complaints have been one of the go-to methods used by Dems for going after anyone who opposes them or threatens their agendas, such as Trump’s lawyers from 2020.  The Dems have turned the American justice system into a joke.  They will continue to do this until they are held accountable.

These complaints are not made in good faith.  They are orchestrated by Deep State players and are intended to interfere with an election.  This is evil and needs to be confronted.