Gaetz Gets Garland

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Congressman Matt Gaetz cuts across the UniParty grain at key moments.  Perhaps Tuesday was another example of this.  As Sundance notes, the better part of good public questioning is not just what question is asked, but also how the question is asked.

The weaponization of the DOJ against political opponents has become plain to see.  The persecution of people who peacefully protest outside abortion mills is just one example of this.  Routinely such people are being arrested and jailed for such peaceful protests.  However, the firebombing and vandalizing of churches goes unpunished for the most part.

The most obvious example of this weaponization is the lawfare being conducted against PDJT.  On Tuesday, the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on such weaponization.  Attorney General Merrick Garland was interviewed by the committee.

Sundance notes:

AG Merrick Garland says it’s a “dangerous conspiracy theory” to allege that the Department of Justice is communicating with state and local prosecutions against Trump. But former senior DOJ official Matthew Colangelo was appointed Senior Counsel to District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office to “get Trump” – as detailed in Mark Pomerantz’s book.  

Garland statement is the standard response whenever Democratic operations to get people is uncovered.  “Democracy is under attack.”  “This is a threat to our national security.”  These ideas are “far-right-wing conspiracy theories.”  And just how many such “far-right-wing conspiracy theories” have been proven true?  Just about all of them.

Matt Gaetz will not be deterred and does not let Garland off the hook.

Let’s be reminded that Garland was once nominated for the Supreme Court.  The country dodged a bullet when Mitch McConnell refused to let his nomination go forward.

The real answer that Garland is giving here is “I refuse to answer because we are engaging in election interference and this would damage our case to get Trump.”  How many front men are there for the cabal that wants to take over our country?