Odds & Ends

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Upon hearing of Senator John Fetterman’s car crash in Maryland, several Democrats have expressed the hope that the crash may have “knocked some sense” into Fetterman.

Democrats have become increasingly frustrated with Fetterman over a variety of stances that Fetterman has taken in recent weeks and months.

One Democrat noted:

“It’s been discouraging to see how much John has moved away from our party’s positions in the past few months.  To hear him support Israel when he should be supporting burning down Israel is a real bummer. I hope he hit his head hard enough to knock a few of those brain cells out of him.”

If Fetterman does not return to the fold, what options are on the table for the Democrats?

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has dismissed a challenge from Lia Thomas, who had asked the Swiss-based court to reject a policy that would prevent her from competing in women’s races at elite competitions.

World Aquatics said in a statement provided to USA TODAY Sports that it welcomed the CAS decision, calling it “a major step forward in our efforts to protect women’s sport.”

Thomas was less than happy calling the ruling “discriminatory.”  What is discriminatory is Thomas competing in women’s sports.  Thomas is a male.  His genotype is XY not XX.  If he wants to be in competition he needs to swim against males.

Is common sense beginning to return to decisions in this area?

Kevin McCarthy’s revenge tour failed in South Carolina.  McCarthy, who was Speaker of the House before being ousted, had tried to “primary” Nancy Mace by backing Catherine Templeton.  Support came in the form of endorsements and considerable financial support from McCarthy and his allies.

Mace won the primary easily.  Mace’s victory will come as a significant blow to the influence of the former House Speaker, who vowed to seek revenge against those who ousted him from his position just nine months after he was elected.

Most Americans do not approve of Joe Biden’s student loan bailouts.  Barely 3 in 10 adults approve of President Joe Biden‘s student loan debt forgiveness, according to a recently released poll from the University of Chicago and the Associated Press.

Student loan forgiveness was struck down by the Supreme Court in June 2023. The court ruled by a vote of 6-3 that the program doesn’t comply with federal law.  Nancy Pelosi stated that Biden does not have the power to do what he says he will do.

Biden is ripping off taxpayers in order to buy the votes of college students who are abandoning him in droves.  Biden did the same thing in 2022 before the Supreme Court ruled against him.  When will the impeachment begin?

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