This is delusional.
Polish President Duda
“I represent that part of the world where Russia is often called a prison of nations. There are good reasons for this.
On its territory there are 200 ethnic groups that ended up on Russian territory as a result of the methods that Russia is taking against Crimea today.
Russia remains the largest colonial empire in the world. And differently than European states, Russia never went through the process of decolonization.
Russia has never been able to cope with the demons of the past. We must ultimately say that there is no place for colonialism in the modern world. I want to make it clear that only Moscow is responsible for this war.”
🇵🇱 Polish Preaident Duda proposes to divide Russia into “200 ethnic groups”
"I represent that part of the world where Russia is often called a prison of nations. There are good reasons for this.
On its territory there are 200 ethnic groups that ended up on Russian…
— Megatron (@Megatron_ron) June 15, 2024
This is gaslighting at its finest. NATO kept expanding toward Russia in violation of numerous agreements not to do so. “Secret” bases were setup in Ukraine. Tens of thousands of ethnic Russians were tortured and killed in Ukraine’s eastern provinces for no reason other than they were Russian. The CIA was involved in the coup that ousted the duly-elected President of Ukraine who was in favor of good relations with Russia.
Duda wants to break up Russia so that the West can feast on the natural resources that are there. Lindsey Graham, the Republican Senator from South Carolina, agrees with him. Just how would this be accomplished!?
Russia sits on the largest number of nuclear warheads in the world. Putin has said on multiple occasions that these will be used if the existence of Russia is in the balance. Do these people think he is bluffing? Is the public being hoodwinked into a global war?