Cullen Linebarger over at the Gateway Pundit has posted an article delving into the fact that the DHS has been classifying supporters of President Trump as “domestic extremists.” Such people are declared to be “enemies of the state.”
America First Legal (AFL) has released documents showing how the DHS put together an intel group whose mission was to reclassify political dissent under the guise of “public health.” So, political dissent would be determined to be a threat to the public health. This was done to get Americans to rat on their neighbors just as is done in communist China. The Soviet Union used this approach as well. So, who is the Evil Empire now?
Specifically, Trump supporters are declared to be enemies of the state. Anyone who thinks President Trump and conservatives are a danger to freedom and our republic needs to have his head examined.
The Democrats are the ones undermining freedom and the rule of law since before Obama’s Presidency. And as usual the leftist tyrants project their crimes onto conservatives. It became a cause on steroids when Obama entered the Oval Office.
From AFL:
America First Legal (AFL) is releasing the second tranche of internal files from the “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group,” obtained exclusively through AFL’s litigation with Ambassador Ric Grenell against the Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This is the second installment of #DeepStateDiaries, a multi-part series of releases including newly obtained documents.
Today’s installment exposes how the Biden Administration classifies someone as a person likely to commit “domestic violent extremist” attacks, particularly those who support President Trump, are “in the military,” or are “religious.”
John Brennan and James Clapper, prominent members of the intelligence community (IC) during the Obama administration, had major roles in the unit.
As PDJT has noted, “they’re not after me, they’re after you. I am just in the way.”
It is way past time to clean house in Washington.