The Debate

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Democrats are now openly asking about replacing Joe Biden on the ticket after his debate performance.  Some are blaming Biden’s performance on a supposed cold that he has. Biden came across as frail and weak.  At times he was difficult to understand.  This is despite weeks of getting ready where modern medicine worked a medical miracle just to have Biden not collapse during the debate.

Just what are the Democrats options?  The whole idea of the debate was to make this election a referendum on Trump.  Instead, everybody is talking about Biden’s incredibly weak performance.  What can be done at this point in time?  It is important to remember that the primaries are over.  Biden has way more delegates than he needs.  Even the super delegates cannot stop his nomination.

Kamala Harris was rushed into an interview right after the debate ended.  Just when in history did a Vice President have to save a President’s performance?

It will take more than Jim Clyburn admonishing black parents to educate their children about voting for Biden.

(NotUS) – There’s almost certainly no member of Congress more responsible for President Joe Biden’s victory in 2020 than South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn. And as polls show Biden struggling with Black voters — specifically, younger Black voters — Clyburn has a new message for his generation: It’s time for Black elders to have a chat with the younger branches of the family.

“They should try and talk some sense into their children,” Clyburn told NOTUS in an interview this week, following a series of Biden campaign events in Georgia that he headlined over the weekend.

Clyburn, now the Biden campaign’s 2024 co-chair, believes that younger Black voters have fallen prey to “misinformation and disinformation,” citing the increasing credulity with which voters are taking Donald Trump’s claims that he’s done more for Black people than anyone — with the “possible exception” of Abraham Lincoln.

“If you believe that,” he said of Trump’s comment, “your parents should’ve sent their mule to school and kept you at home.”

Clyburn is supporting the most racist President since Woodrow Wilson.  I think it is time for the voters in South Carolina’s 6th district to send someone different to Congress.  Clyburn does not work for the people of his district.  Send someone who will.

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