Whither Democrats?

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America has come a long way since PDJT descended the escalator at Trump Towers in NYC in June 2015.  For many Americans it has been an awakening to the very corrupt nature of the swamp in DC.  The recent lawfare indictments and trials of the former President have highlighted this corruption.  However, it was there throughout PDJT’s term in office.

Some events since PDJT arrived on the scene:

  • A hoax Russia collusion investigation
  • A hoax special counsel investigation
  • Two hoax impeachments
  • A hoax election
  • A hoax insurrection …
  • … followed by a months-long military occupation of the Imperial City
  • Outrageous weaponization of the federal criminal justice system against ordinary Americans …
  • … and also a president.
  • Years of hoax lawfare against Trump
  • A huge money laundering operation in Ukraine
  • A demented, delusional old man “running the country”
  • America led into a major war against Russia, without the semblance of a constitutional process.

What Trump has done is to shine sunlight on the corruption present in Washington.  This sunlight is shining so brightly that even some heavily brainwashed Americans are seeing the evil that exists within our political elite.

The next event on the calendar will be the struggle to remove Biden from the Democratic ticket.  Jill Biden has assured the elites that Joe is “ready to go.”  So, his removal will have to revolve around coercing Jill Biden into agreeing to getting rid of Joe.

However, that’s probably the least of the Democrats problems.  Harris, the current VP and nominee for VP, is less liked than Biden.  How do the Democrats finesse around that problem?  If Biden were removed from the ticket, Harris is the only one who could access the presidential campaign funds (currently $195 million) under campaign finance laws.  These funds cannot just be transferred to someone else.

Of course, with the Democrats, laws are just something for the common people.  They do not apply to the elites.  The Democrats will use the strategy of “we gotta save the country for democracy” to justify whatever they decide to do.  One can be sure they are polling the hell out of different options to see which one would inflict the least damage.

Could they be contemplating flirting with a hot war with Russia to galvanize people behind their candidate whoever that may be?  US bases in the EU have been put on high alert.  Is some sort of false flag event in the offing?   Distracting people away from the problems the Democrats face within the Joe Biden collapse would be a paramount objective this upcoming week.

July should be an interesting month in presidential politics.

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