Public Health Strikes Again

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During the last week, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has declared firearm violence as a public health crisis.  This has largely flown under the radar which is what they planned since Joe Biden’s debacle at The CNN Debate was dominating the news cycle.  The Left is just another attempt to curtail the freedoms that all Americans enjoy.

The public health authorities seem to think they entitled to wreck Americans’ lives without having to pay any attention to the Constitutional boundaries built into our republic.  They seem to think that they are omnipotent and that no one should be allowed to question their edicts.

Dr. Tom Woods has some insights:

It isn’t just Covid.

“Public health” in general is an intellectual train wreck, a wholly politicized branch of so-called medicine that involves a seemingly endless series of false claims and ideological gobbledygook.

We should have denounced it and written books about it sooner, but I think before Covid we just didn’t pay as much attention to it as we should have. And its overreach wasn’t nearly as bad as it ultimately became.

I mean, remember “racism is a public health issue” as a justification for why we could break the sacred lockdowns in order to go demonstrate about George Floyd? No self-respecting discipline speaks or thinks that way.

The public health centers of our government have become corrupted just like most of the rest of the federal government.  The lockdowns were a test to see how far the government could go in taking away our basic freedoms.  Allowing people to go out to riot in the name of “George Floyd” during lockdowns just showed how ridiculous the lockdowns were.

Dr. Woods goes on:

Well, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has really outdone himself this time.

He just said: “Today, for the first time in the history of our office, I am issuing a Surgeon General’s Advisory on Firearm Violence. Firearm violence is a public health crisis in America that poses a serious threat to the health and well-being of our country.”

After making this announcement earlier this week, Murthy proceeded to lay out every dumb, debunked claim about gun violence ever uttered.

So yet again, “public health” is being used as a pretext for demonizing some aspect of standard American freedoms.

You will recall how unhappy Anthony Fauci was when a federal judge overturned the mask mandate on planes. He insisted that this was a matter for public health to decide, and not properly a matter for the judiciary. Well, sorry, Tony, but nobody consented to a dictatorship by — I shudder even to think about it — “public health” eggheads whose 24/7 barrage of false claims survives because no mainstream media source bothers to question it.

It is not just demonizing that is being done here.  This is a blatant attempt to move the Overton window to get the public to accept more curtailment of our rights to self-defense.  There is an ongoing war being led by those in power who want to disarm Americans.  If that ever happens, Americans will no longer be citizens but will have become subjects.