Sharp As A Tack

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A video posted online reveals a stunning number of leftists and Biden supporters insisting he is as sharp as a tack.  This is while his fate in continuing as a candidate for President is being decided by Barack Obama and Jim Clyburn not withstanding the results of the primaries that they rigged for him.

Let’s be reminded that prior to the debate with Trump, the left was steadfast in their claim that all video showing Biden as being in the throes of dementia were fakes.  The truth of that was challenged during last week’s live disastrous debate.  It showed Biden losing his train of thought, unable to complete sentences and gave truth to the claims of Biden not being all there.

Will the Dems pull the plug?   Biden should have been retired to a nursing home a long time ago.  Let’s be reminded that the Democrats with the help of Big Media have committed a fraud of a magnitude unseen in American politics.